Can China’s Global South Strategy Achieve Its Objectives in Central Asia?
By Chan Young Bang
China’s foreign policy toward Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan has had contrasting results over the years.
America’s Achilles Heel in the Indo-Pacific
By Samiksh Jain
The United States has treated the Indian Ocean as an afterthought in its Indo-Pacific vision.
Australian Public Diplomacy and a National Rugby League Team in Papua New Guinea
By Guy C. Charlton and Xiang Gao
The soft power, social capital, and shared stories the sport will stimulate are difficult to measure, but invariably will enhance the quality of the bilateral relationship.
Amid the China-US Competition, Beware of Data Colonialism
By Mitchell Gallagher
As China and the U.S. compete to build digital infrastructure, they are intentionally fostering dependencies that strip away developing nations’ digital sovereignty.