Taiwan’s KMT Skips Key Cross-Strait Forum Over Comment by Chinese Talk Show Host
By Nick Aspinwall
The Beijing-friendly opposition party said it would sit out the forum, overshadowing the annual event.
‘Mulan’ Wanted Chinese Money. Taiwan’s Rising Filmmakers Don’t.
By Anthony Kao
As Taiwan decouples from China, its filmmakers are starting to eschew Chinese profits in favor of political expression.
US Envoy to United Nations Meets With Taiwan Official in New York
By Associated Press
The “historic” meeting comes amid a growing U.S. campaign to give Taiwan a voice in international bodies.
Recover Better Together: Taiwan Can Help
By Jaushieh Joseph Wu
“Working together for the greater good is how the world will defeat COVID-19,” Taiwan’s foreign minister writes – and Taiwan must be a part of that effort.
The End of Strategic Ambiguity in the Taiwan Strait
By Eric Chan
The collapse of confidence in long-term advantage means the era of strategic ambiguity is over.
Chinese Jets Intrude Taiwan Air Defense Zone for Second Day
By Steven Stashwick
Taiwan issued warnings and condemned the flights as it conducted its own military drills.
Has Taiwanese Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage Changed?
By Timothy S. Rich and Isabel Eliassen
Over a year since legalization, how have public opinions in Taiwan shifted around the question of same-sex marriage?
Taiwan’s COVID-19 Success Story Continues as Neighbors Fend Off New Outbreaks
By Nick Aspinwall
Unlike countries like Vietnam and New Zealand, Taiwan has managed to keep its five-month streak of no local COVID-19 transmissions alive.
Can the KMT Reform – and Remain Relevant?
By David G. Brown
A new leader has brought new ideas, including on the sensitive question of cross-strait relations, but the old guard remains entrenched.
Czech Delegation Pledges Support for Taiwan, Vows Not to Bow to Chinese Threats
By Nick Aspinwall
A delegation headed by the Senate president and the mayor of Prague won hearts in Taiwan and shrugged off threats from China’s foreign minister.
Tsai Takes a Political Risk to Pursue a Taiwan-US Trade Agreement
By Nick Aspinwall
Her Friday announcement that she would ease restrictions on U.S. pork and beef imports led to a backlash from opposition politicians and local farmers.
Tsai Clears the Way for a US-Taiwan Trade Agreement
By Shannon Tiezzi
The president’s decision to ease restrictions on imports of U.S. pork and beef removes one of the major stumbling blocks to such a deal.