
East Asia

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China: 2 Canadians in Prisoner Swap Freed for Health Reasons

China: 2 Canadians in Prisoner Swap Freed for Health Reasons

By Huizhong Wu
Beijing kept up its narrative that the arrests of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor – and their releases – were not linked to Meng Wanzhou’s arrest in Canada.
How Should South Korea’s Next President Approach Cybersecurity?

How Should South Korea’s Next President Approach Cybersecurity?

By Sukjoon Yoon
North Korean cyberattacks are not a future threat, but already a fact of life.

North Korea Reiterates Preconditions for Inter-Korean Thaw

North Korea Reiterates Preconditions for Inter-Korean Thaw

By Mitch Shin
Kim Yo Jong welcomed Moon’s outreach in his U.N. speech, but made clear that Seoul will have to end its “hostile policies” first.

Where Does the KMT Go From Here?

Where Does the KMT Go From Here?

By Brian Hioe
The results of the chair election set the future trajectory for the party – and for Taiwan’s democracy.

Eric Chu Wins KMT Chair Election

Eric Chu Wins KMT Chair Election

By Brian Hioe
KMT stalwart Chu won handily in the end, but the challenge posed by deep-Blue candidate Chang Ya-chung is notable.
Ghosts of the Past in the LDP Presidential Election

Ghosts of the Past in the LDP Presidential Election

By Taro Tsuda
The backgrounds and formative influences of the candidates are a particularly rich trove of information, given the powerful role of factional lineages and dynastic politics in Japan.

The Resilience of East Asia’s LGBTQ Community

The Resilience of East Asia’s LGBTQ Community

By Nathanael Cheng, Molly Henry, and Seojung Kim
Amid challenges new and old, the LGBTQ communities in China, South Korea, and Taiwan are finding creative ways to move forward.
South Korea Takes First Step to Regulate Virtual Asset Service Providers

South Korea Takes First Step to Regulate Virtual Asset Service Providers

By Euihyun Bae
The tight deadline to register may lead to a monopolization of the South Korean virtual asset industry.

Diplomacy Under Different Rules: How an NGO Dictates American Diplomacy in Taiwan

Diplomacy Under Different Rules: How an NGO Dictates American Diplomacy in Taiwan

By Rachel Bernstein and Scott Singer
A primer on the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), and how it influences the delicate China-Taiwan-U.S. triangle.

How Should South Korea’s Next President Approach OPCON Transfer?

How Should South Korea’s Next President Approach OPCON Transfer?

By Sukjoon Yoon
Let's hope that the next president does not paint themselves into a corner on OPCON transfer, as President Moon Jae-in unfortunately did.

China Aiding Myanmar Armed Groups in Their COVID-19 Fight

China Aiding Myanmar Armed Groups in Their COVID-19 Fight

By Sebastian Strangio
Beijing has long maintained close relations to the ethnic armed groups lying along its borders with Myanmar.
Did Mongolia Give up on Winning a UN Security Council Seat?

Did Mongolia Give up on Winning a UN Security Council Seat?

By Ulrika Möller and Julian Dierkes
Any mention of Mongolia's candidacy was notably absent from President Khurelsukh’s U.N. speech. Does that pave the way for Japan to win a nonpermanent seat in the U.N. Security Council?

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