
East Asia

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Taiwan Legislators Brawl Twice in 2 Weeks Over Government Watchdog Nomination

Taiwan Legislators Brawl Twice in 2 Weeks Over Government Watchdog Nomination

By Nick Aspinwall
KMT legislators stormed parliament Tuesday to block confirmation proceedings for Chen Chu, the nominee to head Taiwan’s government ombudsman body.
K-pop Leads With ‘Contactless’ Concerts

K-pop Leads With ‘Contactless’ Concerts

By Layne Vandenberg
K-pop groups are proving that the art of the performance can have a virtual future, even beyond COVID-19 restrictions.

Where Does the US Debate on China Policy Stand in Mid-2020?

Where Does the US Debate on China Policy Stand in Mid-2020?

By Robert Farley
There are many strains of American thinking about China today.

Making Sense of the 2020 US South China Sea Policy Update

Making Sense of the 2020 US South China Sea Policy Update

By Ankit Panda
Greg Poling joins the podcast to discuss revisions to U.S. South China Sea policy.

North Korean Citizens Desperately Need the China Border to Reopen

North Korean Citizens Desperately Need the China Border to Reopen

By Gabriela Bernal
Amid the COVID-induced shutdown of the border, hunger, homelessness, and business closures are all on the rise.
UK Reverses Course, Bans Huawei From 5G Network

UK Reverses Course, Bans Huawei From 5G Network

By Associated Press
The U.K. will now exclude Huawei from even a limited role in the country's next-generation telecoms network.

Seoul Mayor’s Death Sets Critical Test for South Korea’s Ruling Party in 2021

Seoul Mayor’s Death Sets Critical Test for South Korea’s Ruling Party in 2021

By Cory Bisbee
Next year’s by-elections will be unusually important – for the Democratic Party and for the current frontrunner to succeed President Moon Jae-in.
Why Is China Going to Mars?

Why Is China Going to Mars?

By Namrata Goswami and Namrata Goswami
China's upcoming Mars mission is part of an integrated space strategy.

Amid the Pandemic, Australia and Japan Continue Their Strategic Convergence

Amid the Pandemic, Australia and Japan Continue Their Strategic Convergence

By Ankit Panda
A virtual leaders’ meeting didn’t make the top of global headlines, but it underscored the continued convergence between Tokyo and Canberra.

With Sudden Death of Seoul Mayor, South Korea’s 2021 By-Elections Gain New Importance

With Sudden Death of Seoul Mayor, South Korea’s 2021 By-Elections Gain New Importance

By Tae-jun Kang
Next April, voters will choose new mayors for Seoul and Busan. Can the Democratic Party keep those seats?

Philippines: China Should Comply With 2017 South China Sea Ruling

Philippines: China Should Comply With 2017 South China Sea Ruling

By Associated Press
Manila emphasizes the 2016 ruling by an international tribunal.
The Chinese Navy’s Destroyer Fleet Will Double by 2025. Then What?

The Chinese Navy’s Destroyer Fleet Will Double by 2025. Then What?

By Rick Joe
China is about to finish the current phase of destroyer construction. What comes next?

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