
East Asia

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How a Pandemic Drew China and Serbia Closer 

How a Pandemic Drew China and Serbia Closer 

By Eleanor Albert
China's medical assistance to Serbia inspired profuse gratitude from President Vucic.
Can Japan Curb a Coronavirus Outbreak?

Can Japan Curb a Coronavirus Outbreak?

By Thisanka Siripala
The government's guidelines for reopening schools are met with mixed feelings as Tokyo residents prepare for a soft lockdown this weekend.

The Significance of a New Japan-Philippines Air Defense Radar System Deal

The Significance of a New Japan-Philippines Air Defense Radar System Deal

By Prashanth Parameswaran
If the deal is finalized as reports suggest, it would have strategic significance for Japan’s growing regional security role and for the bilateral relationship.

Can China’s COVID-19 Statistics Be Trusted?

Can China’s COVID-19 Statistics Be Trusted?

By Scott N. Romaniuk and Tobias Burgers
From GDP figures to coronavirus counts, China’s government has a long history of manipulating data for political gain.

South Korea: The Politics of COVID-19

South Korea: The Politics of COVID-19

By Timothy S. Rich et al
As an election looms, a survey finds that respondents’ political affiliations predicts their satisfaction with the government’s pandemic response.
Quarantined: China’s Online Education in the Pandemic

Quarantined: China’s Online Education in the Pandemic

By Kate Kologrivaya and Emma Shleifer
With schools closed across the country to combat COVID-19, China has turned to online learning. The results have been mixed.

Will the 2021 Tokyo Olympics Become the Spring Games?

Will the 2021 Tokyo Olympics Become the Spring Games?

By Associated Press
The historic postponement of the 2020 Olympics gives Tokyo a new opportunity.
China’s Mask Diplomacy

China’s Mask Diplomacy

By Brian Wong
By shipping medical supplies to European countries, China is seeking to boost its image as a responsible global leader.

Remembering the ‘Spanish Flu’ in Asia

Remembering the ‘Spanish Flu’ in Asia

By Robert Farley
As Asia weathers COVID-19, it's worth recalling that the 1918 influenza pandemic did not spare Asia.

US Marine Corps Unveils Transformation Plan Focused on China

US Marine Corps Unveils Transformation Plan Focused on China

By Steven Stashwick
The plan will cut tanks and other traditional weapons to make room for new anti-ship missions.

With Olympics Pushed Back, Tokyo Braces for Coronavirus Spread

With Olympics Pushed Back, Tokyo Braces for Coronavirus Spread

By Mina Pollmann
Japan's capital is preparing hospital beds and mulling the possibility of a lockdown.
North Korea’s Exports to China Collapse Amid Coronavirus

North Korea’s Exports to China Collapse Amid Coronavirus

By Troy Stangarone
Chinese data from January and February hints that the border closure is taking a serious economic toll.

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