
East Asia

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Could the Sukhoi Su-57 Be For Export? For China?

Could the Sukhoi Su-57 Be For Export? For China?

By Robert Farley
The prospect of the Su-57 for export seemed absurd a while ago, but that may be changing.
Questions About China’s DF-17 and a Nuclear Capability

Questions About China’s DF-17 and a Nuclear Capability

By Ankit Panda
Does the DF-17 really have a nuclear role?

Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, China’s Government Tightens Its Grip

Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, China’s Government Tightens Its Grip

By Maximilian Mayer and Nicholas Ross Smith
The CCP’s response to the epidemic foreshadows a massive health-surveillance regime.

Taiwan Bars Children of Taiwanese-Chinese Couples From Repatriation Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Taiwan Bars Children of Taiwanese-Chinese Couples From Repatriation Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

By Nick Aspinwall
The reversal of an earlier decision to allow the children entry to Taiwan was supported by DPP legislators and revealed a divide among Taiwanese people.

What the Fight Against the New Coronavirus Tells Us About the Post-Reform PLA

What the Fight Against the New Coronavirus Tells Us About the Post-Reform PLA

By Ying Yu Lin
The coronavirus outbreak has revealed potential issues in PLA logistics integration and command after the major overhaul of 2015.
The Coronavirus Epidemic: Challenge or Opportunity for US-China Relations?

The Coronavirus Epidemic: Challenge or Opportunity for US-China Relations?

By Bao Huaying
The U.S. government has seized on the crisis to adopt harsh policies toward China. But there are glimmer of hopes from society itself.

China’s Coronavirus Outbreak and Economic Performance: Test for Performance Legitimacy?

China’s Coronavirus Outbreak and Economic Performance: Test for Performance Legitimacy?

By Dingding Chen
What does the Coronavirus outbreak mean for China’s future development?
South Korea’s Population May Have Already Peaked

South Korea’s Population May Have Already Peaked

By Troy Stangarone
Recent statistics suggest South Korea's population may be aging even more quickly than previous worst-case scenarios predicted.

Japan Reports 1st Death from Virus, 44 More Cases on Ship

Japan Reports 1st Death from Virus, 44 More Cases on Ship

By Associated Press
None of Japan’s newly reported cases have a history of recent travel to China, raising concerns.

North Korea’s Bizarre Strategies for Tackling the Coronavirus Outbreak

North Korea’s Bizarre Strategies for Tackling the Coronavirus Outbreak

By Tae-jun Kang
Pyongyang claims there have been no cases of the virus in the country. So why is it taking increasingly desperate measures?

Where Does China’s ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Stand in 2020?

Where Does China’s ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Stand in 2020?

By Derek Grossman
The framework for governing Hong Kong and Macau – and, Beijing hopes, one day Taiwan – is battered but unbroken.
Will Japan’s Economy Buckle Under the Coronavirus Outbreak?

Will Japan’s Economy Buckle Under the Coronavirus Outbreak?

By Thisanka Siripala
Japanese companies are bracing for a slowdown in supply chains and sales.

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