
East Asia

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Why China’s PLA Will Not Replace the Americans in the Middle East

Why China’s PLA Will Not Replace the Americans in the Middle East

By Christopher K. Colley
Even in the event of an American withdrawal from the region, China is unlikely to fill this possible void.
China May Be More Assertive, But Is It Really Ready to Lead?

China May Be More Assertive, But Is It Really Ready to Lead?

By Lucio Blanco Pitlo III
The time of “hiding and biding” is over, but is China ready for the burdens of global leadership?

What Does ASEAN’s Evolving Approach to the South China Sea Issue Mean for Vietnam?

What Does ASEAN’s Evolving Approach to the South China Sea Issue Mean for Vietnam?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Though the regional grouping continues to have difficulties on the issue, it nonetheless remains important to Hanoi’s calculations.

Can North Korea Succeed in Mount Kumgang Without South Korea?

Can North Korea Succeed in Mount Kumgang Without South Korea?

By Tae-jun Kang
Making Mount Kumgang into a profitable tourist destination will be difficult without South Korean cooperation.

How the US-China Competition Is Playing out in Romania

How the US-China Competition Is Playing out in Romania

By Andreea Brînză
The U.S. fight against Chinese nuclear and 5G technology in Romania will be an important test case.
Fire Nearly Destroys Historic Castle in Okinawa

Fire Nearly Destroys Historic Castle in Okinawa

By Associated Press
Shuri Castle is a major symbol of the old Ryukyu Kingdom’s history and Okinawa's unique culture. Now it's all but gone.

Security Firm Says Chinese Hackers Intercepted Text Messages

Security Firm Says Chinese Hackers Intercepted Text Messages

By Associated Press
FireEye did not specify the victims of the espionage, but said some were “high-value” targets.
The US-China Clash Is Here to Stay

The US-China Clash Is Here to Stay

By Shannon Tiezzi
A recent speech from Secretary of State Pompeo makes clears that a trade deal won't be enough to solve the growing tensions.

Norea Korea Fires 2 Missiles in the Sea Amid Stalled Talks

Norea Korea Fires 2 Missiles in the Sea Amid Stalled Talks

By Associated Press
The launches followed statements of displeasure by top North Korean officials over the slow pace of nuclear negotiations with the United States.

China’s First Domestically Built Carrier Preps for Commissioning Ceremony

China’s First Domestically Built Carrier Preps for Commissioning Ceremony

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The new carrier is reportedly being made ready for commissioning, according to Chinese state media reports.

Rival Camps Clash Over Xinjiang at UN Committee Session

Rival Camps Clash Over Xinjiang at UN Committee Session

By Shannon Tiezzi
Once again, the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is the site of dueling narratives on the Xinjiang crackdown.
US to Downgrade East Asia Summit Participation in 2019

US to Downgrade East Asia Summit Participation in 2019

By Ankit Panda
Wilbur Ross will be the seniormost U.S. official at the 2019 East Asia Summit.

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