
East Asia

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The Changing Role of First Ladies

The Changing Role of First Ladies

By Yo-Jung Chen
France and Japan are two countries where a traditional role has evolved rapidly of late.
Seoul’s Middle-Power Turn in Samarkand?

Seoul’s Middle-Power Turn in Samarkand?

By Jeffrey Robertson
Park Geun-hye’s recent trip to Central Asia was a great deal more than it seemed.

Beyond RIMPAC: 3 Ways to Engage China on Security

Beyond RIMPAC: 3 Ways to Engage China on Security

By Natalie Sambhi & Nicole Yeo
China’s participation in RIMPAC is a good start. Now, the goal must be to sustain and expand security cooperation.

South Korea and the Trilateral Dilemma

South Korea and the Trilateral Dilemma

By Se Young Jang
Can Seoul overcome domestic sentiment on Japan and agree to trilateral cooperation on military intelligence sharing?

History Lessons for China and Japan

History Lessons for China and Japan

By Paula Harrell
Both countries have shown the ability to accommodate and cooperate in the past. Can they do so again?
Time for Taiwan to Rethink Its Diplomacy

Time for Taiwan to Rethink Its Diplomacy

By Joel Atkinson
Taiwan needs to decide on a plan for its remaining diplomatic allies before it is too late.

Time to Actively Deter North Korea

Time to Actively Deter North Korea

By Patrick M. Cronin
“It’s time to make North Korea have to worry more about deterring us rather than the other way around.”
The Pitfalls to China’s Mideast Policy

The Pitfalls to China’s Mideast Policy

By Jeffrey Payne
China will realize that its presence in the region will cost more than planned and regularly ensnare it in conflict.

China and the US: Destined to Cooperate?

China and the US: Destined to Cooperate?

By Andrew Follett
Geography, economics, and energy will all push America and China closer together.

Japan: Balancing Defense With History

Japan: Balancing Defense With History

By Daniel Clausen
The country needs a leader who is a conservative on defense and a progressive on history.

Is Overseas Study Helping US-China Relations?

Is Overseas Study Helping US-China Relations?

By Anthony Chang
China and the U.S. are learning more about each other than ever, but is it enough?
The Complex China-South Korea Relationship

The Complex China-South Korea Relationship

By Robert E. Kelly
An upcoming visit by Xi Jinping to South Korea will likely leave much unsaid.

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