
East Asia

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The Cults of South Korea

The Cults of South Korea

By John Power
The recent ferry tragedy has added another chapter to the country’s disconcerting history with cults.
China’s Not So Secret War on Religion

China’s Not So Secret War on Religion

By Steve Finch
‘Recent developments indicate increased measures to control Islam and Christianity.’

Shinzo Abe’s Constitutional Ambitions

Shinzo Abe’s Constitutional Ambitions

By Jeremy A. Yellen
Despite widespread opposition, Japan’s PM is determined to reinterpret the constitution.

Taiwan-Ukraine: A Cautious Relationship

Taiwan-Ukraine: A Cautious Relationship

By Fabrizio Bozzato and Tatiana Komarova
Relations between Taipei and Kiev have often been complicated by the policies of their larger neighbors.

China: Wealth and Democracy

China: Wealth and Democracy

By Christopher Ernest Barber
Will Western levels of income mean that China adopts Western models of democracy?
Taiwan’s Desperate Migrant Mothers

Taiwan’s Desperate Migrant Mothers

By Jens Kastner
When the marriages don’t work out, the country’s foreign brides often face desperate circumstances.

Missile Defense and the North Korean Nuclear Threat

Missile Defense and the North Korean Nuclear Threat

By Stefan Soesanto
Trilateral missile defense could be a turning point in dealing with the North Korean nuclear threat.
Tiananmen Square 25 Years On: Dealing With Discontent

Tiananmen Square 25 Years On: Dealing With Discontent

By Tim Robertson
Chinese are certainly richer, but can prosperity alone eradicate the roots of public discontent?

Drop the Double Standard on Japanese Defense

Drop the Double Standard on Japanese Defense

By Aurelia George Mulgan
Can Abe’s ambitions really be viewed as a return of prewar Japanese militarism?

Iran, Turkey and China’s Middle Eastern Pivot

Iran, Turkey and China’s Middle Eastern Pivot

By H. Akin Unver
Thanks to events in Russia and Syria, Turkey lost its rivalry with Iran to be China’s Middle Eastern pivot. Here’s how.

Young Muslims in Tokyo

Young Muslims in Tokyo

By Han Zhang
Muslims living in Tokyo find it a tolerant city, but must still grapple with issues of identity.
Should China Fear Islamic Insurgency?

Should China Fear Islamic Insurgency?

By Rachel Delia Benaim
Xi Jinping may well be able to solve the violence in Xinjiang, but Beijing will need to change course.

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