
Central Asia

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Continuity and Flux in Central Asia: Elections in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan

Continuity and Flux in Central Asia: Elections in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan

By Ankit Panda, Catherine Putz, and Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
Uzbekistan’s presidential election yielded few surprises. What about Kyrgyzstan’s upcoming parliamentary elections?
Uzbekistan’s Efforts at Forcing Data Localization Backfire

Uzbekistan’s Efforts at Forcing Data Localization Backfire

By Catherine Putz
The head of the state communications regulator was fired swiftly after popular social media sites and apps were restricted for failing to comply with data localization laws.

Centerra Says Kumtor’s Gold Output Down

Centerra Says Kumtor’s Gold Output Down

By Catherine Putz
The critical Kyrgyz gold mine, according to its ousted Canadian owners, is apparently pouring less gold than planned. 

TAPI, Turkmenistan, and the Taliban

TAPI, Turkmenistan, and the Taliban

By Catherine Putz
The Taliban’s rise to power in Afghanistan doesn’t materially affect the dim prospects that TAPI will be built any time soon.

Meta Pushes Back Against Kazakh Claims of ‘Exclusive’ Access to Facebook’s Content Reporting System

Meta Pushes Back Against Kazakh Claims of ‘Exclusive’ Access to Facebook’s Content Reporting System

By Catherine Putz
"This process is the same in Kazakhstan as it is for other countries around the world," a Meta spokesman told Reuters.
Facebook Grants Kazakhstan Direct Access to Content Reporting System

Facebook Grants Kazakhstan Direct Access to Content Reporting System

By Catherine Putz
In giving the Kazakh government direct access to identify content as problematic, Facebook is empowering an autocratic government to further police what its citizens say. 

Which Politicians Do Kyrgyz Trust?

Which Politicians Do Kyrgyz Trust?

By Catherine Putz
Addressing the problems Kyrgyz citizens name as their biggest concerns is arguably the only way to sustain trust.
Kazakh Fintech Giant to Buy Ukrainian Bank

Kazakh Fintech Giant to Buy Ukrainian Bank

By Paolo Sorbello
Kaspi plans an expansion into Ukraine, friendly elite provide a banking license.

Aid Cargo Destined for Afghanistan Stuck at Border

Aid Cargo Destined for Afghanistan Stuck at Border

By Catherine Putz
Recent reports suggest that 100 metric tonnes of humanitarian aid delivered to a transit hub in Uzbekistan by UNHCR has not been able to cross the border into Afghanistan yet. 

Afghanistan’s Neighbors Hold 2nd Meeting, Call Inclusive Government the ‘Only Solution’

Afghanistan’s Neighbors Hold 2nd Meeting, Call Inclusive Government the ‘Only Solution’

By Catherine Putz
The joint statement contains barely concealed criticism of the West while offering the same bland suggestions as the West.

Central Asia’s FemAgora Festival Embraces Cyberfeminism

Central Asia’s FemAgora Festival Embraces Cyberfeminism

By Colleen Wood
In its fourth year, the FemAgora festival adopts an unabashed cyberfeminist approach to activism.
China’s Security Infrastructure Continues to Grow in Tajikistan

China’s Security Infrastructure Continues to Grow in Tajikistan

By Catherine Putz
Several reports in October underscore the persistent growth of Chinese security engagement in Tajikistan.

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