
East Asia

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Uber and Classic Asian Mercantilism

Uber and Classic Asian Mercantilism

By Robert E. Kelly
Seoul’s decision to ban a popular app is the latest of many examples of mercantilist policies in Asia.
The Consequences of Shaming Politics in East Asia

The Consequences of Shaming Politics in East Asia

By Tom Le
In disputes over history and territory, the PR fight is intense … and damaging.

Can the US and China Cooperate on Counterterrorism?

Can the US and China Cooperate on Counterterrorism?

By Jeffrey Payne
There are strong arguments to suggest they should, if only the political hang-ups could be overcome.

North Korea’s Asymmetric Submarine Doctrine

North Korea’s Asymmetric Submarine Doctrine

By Koh Swee Lean Collin
While North Korean submarines may be technologically dated, its access denial strategy can still be effective.

South Korea Redefines Multiculturalism

South Korea Redefines Multiculturalism

The country is making a serious effort to adjust to its rising population of foreign residents.
China-US Reconciliation and the East Asian Security Order

China-US Reconciliation and the East Asian Security Order

By Wei Zongyou
China and the US need to make another grand bargain and transform the regional security order.

The Implications of China’s Anti-Corruption Drive

The Implications of China’s Anti-Corruption Drive

By Joseph A. Bosco
The West should worry about a campaign that makes an autocratic regime with revisionist intent more effective.
Ten Myths About Japan’s Collective Self-Defense Change

Ten Myths About Japan’s Collective Self-Defense Change

By Michael Green and Jeffrey W. Hornung
What the critics don’t understand about Japan’s constitutional reinterpretation.

Japan’s New Defense Posture

Japan’s New Defense Posture

By Lionel Pierre Fatton
What are the implications of Japan’s constitutional reinterpretation on regional security dynamics?

South Korea: Dependence in the Age of OPCON

South Korea: Dependence in the Age of OPCON

By Clint Work
The transfer of wartime operational control is part of larger questions about the US-ROK alliance.

The Changing Role of First Ladies

The Changing Role of First Ladies

By Yo-Jung Chen
France and Japan are two countries where a traditional role has evolved rapidly of late.
Seoul’s Middle-Power Turn in Samarkand?

Seoul’s Middle-Power Turn in Samarkand?

By Jeffrey Robertson
Park Geun-hye’s recent trip to Central Asia was a great deal more than it seemed.

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