
East Asia

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History’s Hostage: China, India and the War of 1962

History’s Hostage: China, India and the War of 1962

By Ivan Lidarev
With the world’s gaze fixed on Cuba, India and China went to war. While the conflict is long since over, their relations are still a mess.
The Resurgence of the U.S.- Japan Relationship

The Resurgence of the U.S.- Japan Relationship

While some focus on recent tensions, Tokyo and Washington have been quietly strengthening their security alliance.

Evolutionary or Revolutionary? Japan's Defense Strategy

Evolutionary or Revolutionary? Japan's Defense Strategy

Despite criticism – with some stating Tokyo has its eye on nuclear weapons – Japanese security thinking has changed only incrementally.

Why a U.S.-China 'Grand Bargain' in Asia Would Fail

Why a U.S.-China 'Grand Bargain' in Asia Would Fail

A new book argues for a ‘concert of powers’ to enhance stability while conceding to Beijing a ‘sphere of influence’. It would be a mistake.

Superpower Denied? Why China's 'Rise' May Have Already Peaked

Superpower Denied? Why China's 'Rise' May Have Already Peaked

How a toxic mix of economic, demographic, environmental, political, and international challenges could end China’s ascent.

Why Nationalism is Driving China and Japan Apart

Why Nationalism is Driving China and Japan Apart

After an extended period of calm, leaders in Tokyo and Beijing are again allowing their relations to be dictated by domestic politics.

What China’s Leaders Fear Most

What China’s Leaders Fear Most

By charging Bo Xilai’s wife with murder, China’s political leaders have set a dangerous precedent.

China’s Coercive Economic Diplomacy

China’s Coercive Economic Diplomacy

Chinese willingness to use economic leverage to settle international disputes in its favor is a worrisome trend.

After Veto, What China Can Still Do To Ease Assad Out

After Veto, What China Can Still Do To Ease Assad Out

China’s Syria veto at the Security Council was no surprise. Richard Weitz looks at what Beijing might still be willing to do.

What’s Going On In North Korea?

What’s Going On In North Korea?

By Kosuke Takahashi
Changes at the top in Pyongyang? Disney characters on display? Is Kim Jong-un tightening his grip on power? Kosuke Takahashi reports.

America’s ‘Rebalance’ Finds its Footing

America’s ‘Rebalance’ Finds its Footing

With a watchful eye towards China, the nations of Southeast Asia seem receptive to America’s charms, Luke Hunt reports.

Is Isolated Taiwan Propping Up Dictators?

Is Isolated Taiwan Propping Up Dictators?

If Taiwan is trying to burnish its reputation as a democracy, why is it cozying up to some of the world’s worst dictators? asks Cain Nunns.

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