
South Asia

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A Skirmish in Galwan Valley: India and China’s Deadliest Clash in More Than 50 Years

A Skirmish in Galwan Valley: India and China’s Deadliest Clash in More Than 50 Years

By Ankit Panda
After the death of at least 20 Indian soldiers, the Sino-Indian border has heated up to levels unseen in recent years.
The US Crusade Against the ICC Dashes Afghan Dreams of Justice

The US Crusade Against the ICC Dashes Afghan Dreams of Justice

By Sohrab Azad
For many victimized during the war, whether by the Taliban, the Afghan government, or U.S. forces, the ICC investigation was their last hope of redress.

Nepal’s Summer of Discontent

Nepal’s Summer of Discontent

By Shraddha Pokharel
Young protesters in Nepal say “Enough is Enough” as the government struggles in its fight against COVID-19.

Addressing Race in India and Abroad: Colorism, Surveillance, and Reckoning With Police Impunity

Addressing Race in India and Abroad: Colorism, Surveillance, and Reckoning With Police Impunity

By Bansari Kamdar
Indians abroad are weighing in whether to attend the Black Lives Matter protests in the U.S.

COVID-19: Boosting Indo-Pacific Alignment and India’s Regional Role

COVID-19: Boosting Indo-Pacific Alignment and India’s Regional Role

By Amrita Jash
COVID-19 may provide a geopolitical opportunity for the Quad.
Amid a Pandemic, Pakistan Focuses on a Baloch Insurgency

Amid a Pandemic, Pakistan Focuses on a Baloch Insurgency

By Umair Jamal
What do the recent attacks in Balochistan tell about Pakistan’s efforts to restore peace in the region?

Nepal Lawmakers OK Map Including Area Disputed With India

Nepal Lawmakers OK Map Including Area Disputed With India

By Associated Press
Authorization of the new map comes amid growing tensions with India.
Kashmir’s ‘COVID Warriors’ Are Under Siege

Kashmir’s ‘COVID Warriors’ Are Under Siege

By Mohammad Haziq
Prime Minister Modi has praised India’s doctors as heroes amid the pandemic. In Kashmir, they are being harassed and beaten by security forces.

Afghanistan Update: Is the February 2020 US-Taliban Deal Making Headway?

Afghanistan Update: Is the February 2020 US-Taliban Deal Making Headway?

By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat's Catherine Putz explains the state of the February 2020 U.S.-Taliban agreement.

India’s Capital Crematoriums Overwhelmed With Virus Dead

India’s Capital Crematoriums Overwhelmed With Virus Dead

By Associated Press
New Delhi’s surge in COVID-19 cases is quickly overwhelming funerary capacities around the city.

The China-India Standoff and the Myth of a New Cold War

The China-India Standoff and the Myth of a New Cold War

By Sajid Farid Shapoo
Chinese media are trying to cast the present crisis as a part of the “New Cold War” between the United States and China. Don’t be fooled.
Iran and Pakistan: Placing Border Problems in Context

Iran and Pakistan: Placing Border Problems in Context

By Shahid Hussain
Pakistan and Iran always seem to end up on opposite sides of the table, but they continue to try and grow relations.

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