South Asia

Why the Rohingya Are Being Treated the Way They Are
By Nasreen Chowdhory
Leading precarious lives in camps in Bangladesh and India, stateless Rohingya face an uncertain future.

China Courts Nepal’s New Left Alliance Government
By Rishi Gupta
Less than three weeks after taking office, Nepal's new foreign minister is on a week-long tour of China.

Will Pakistan Go Ahead and Build the Gas Pipeline With Iran?
By Umair Jamal
Iran has threatened to take Pakistan to court over its failure to complete the pipeline project. But U.S. sanctions on Iran are an obstacle.

Suicide Attack in Pakistan Kills 5 Chinese Nationals and Their Local Driver
By Riaz Khan
The victims were construction workers and engineers working at the Dasu Dam, Pakistan’s largest hydropower project.

India’s Submarine Saga
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Without timely replenishment, India could end up with a submarine fleet similar to that of Pakistan.

Protests in India’s Ladakh Enter 3rd Week
By Aijaz Hussain
Locals demand protection of fragile ecology, land autonomy, and statehood for the union territory.

How Modi Has Changed Indian Foreign Policy
By Mohamed Zeeshan
In a geopolitically fractious world, the Indian PM has managed to elicit extraordinary support from the U.S. while publicly courting its biggest foes.

Why Assam Is up in Arms Against Controversial New Indian Citizenship Law
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
The CAA 2019 extends the deadline for determining citizenship that was agreed upon under the Assam Accord, and could pave the way for a fresh influx of Bangladeshi non-Muslims.

Will the Fortune It Made in the Election Bond Scheme Hurt India’s Ruling BJP?
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
The revelations about the scheme are striking, but corruption alone has rarely brought down governments in India.

Modi’s Success Story in West Asia
By Rajeev Agarwal
If there was one region that stood out in Indian foreign policy during Modi’s second term, it was West Asia.

India’s Space Ambitions Buttress MIRV Efforts
By Harsh Vasani
Among other things, the recent MIRV test confirms a poorly kept secret -- the military utility of India’s civilian ISRO.

Why is Nobel Laureate Mohammad Yunus Alone and Alienated in Bangladesh?
By Mubashar Hasan
His silence over the Awami League’s authoritarian rule together with the declining influence of his allies in the West in Bangladesh has weakened his position.