
Southeast Asia

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Europe and ASEAN Should Work Together on Myanmar Crisis

Europe and ASEAN Should Work Together on Myanmar Crisis

By John Sifton
Neither the EU nor ASEAN can deal with the crisis in Myanmar alone, but together they can make a difference. 
Indonesian Security Forces Responsible for Dozens of Extrajudicial Killings, Rights Group Says

Indonesian Security Forces Responsible for Dozens of Extrajudicial Killings, Rights Group Says

By Sebastian Strangio
In its annual human rights report, the organization KontraS documented 72 cases of unlawful killings by police and military personnel.

Why Does the Philippines Want a Sovereign Wealth Fund?

Why Does the Philippines Want a Sovereign Wealth Fund?

By James Guild
Such funds are usually set up in smallish commodity exporting nations that run large current account surpluses. The Philippines is neither of these.

With Arms Expo, Vietnam Seeks to Diversify Its Defense Procurements

With Arms Expo, Vietnam Seeks to Diversify Its Defense Procurements

By Nguyen The Phuong
Under the shadow of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the country’s military is trying different approaches to obtain weapons in a sustainable way.

Indonesia Summons UN Official Over Criticisms of Revised Criminal Code

Indonesia Summons UN Official Over Criticisms of Revised Criminal Code

By Sebastian Strangio
The move came amid a rash of bad international press about the legal changes, particularly a provision banning sex before marriage.
UN Says Indonesia’s Revised Penal Code to Have Sweeping Rights Impacts

UN Says Indonesia’s Revised Penal Code to Have Sweeping Rights Impacts

By Sebastian Strangio
The revised code passed by parliament last week is likely to radically reorient the relationship between rulers and ruled.

Great Expectations as Australia and Vietnam Ponder ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’

Great Expectations as Australia and Vietnam Ponder ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’

By Hai Hong Nguyen
An elevation of relations is likely next year, when the two nations celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations. But will it be matched by substantive developments?
US Will Not Replace Ambassador to Myanmar: Report

US Will Not Replace Ambassador to Myanmar: Report

By Sebastian Strangio
Ambassador Thomas Vajda is set to leave Myanmar this month, after less than two years in the post.

Decoding Xi Jinping’s ‘Asia Pacific Community With a Shared Future’

Decoding Xi Jinping’s ‘Asia Pacific Community With a Shared Future’

By Marina Yue Zhang
Against the U.S. decoupling push, Xi envisions a hub-and-spokes model of a distributed supply chain network – with China as the “hub.” 

Tesla Launches in Thailand, Vying to Compete with China EVs

Tesla Launches in Thailand, Vying to Compete with China EVs

By Tassanee Vejpongsa and Tian Macleod Ji
Southeast Asia's market of more than 600 million consumers is increasingly a focus for automakers looking to expand sales, especially of electric vehicles.

‘ASEAN Centrality’ in an Era of Renewed Power Politics

‘ASEAN Centrality’ in an Era of Renewed Power Politics

By Chietigj Bajpaee
Regional engagement has increasingly transcended ASEAN through bilateral, trilateral, and plurilateral initiatives that are outside of the ASEAN framework.
Screaming for Mercy, All Along the Mekong

Screaming for Mercy, All Along the Mekong

By Luke Hunt
A conversation with the veteran British journalist and filmmaker Tom Fawthrop.

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