
Southeast Asia

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Wanted: A Proper Home

Wanted: A Proper Home

Hundreds of thousands have been displaced by conflict in the southern Philippines. Those left in resettlement camps say they are being forgotten.

Burma’s Business Revolution

Burma won’t be making iPads anytime soon. But the country’s size and location mean that international businesses are still circling in hopes the current reforms stick.

Time for Burma Exiles to Go Home?

Time for Burma Exiles to Go Home?

With signs that Burma’s government may be genuinely reforming, long-exiled media organizations are starting to believe the time is right to head home.

Don’t Forget the Children in Burma

Don’t Forget the Children in Burma

The government in Burma appears to be making some progress on human rights. Hillary Clinton should take the chance to press it over the country’s forgotten minority children.

Mekong Battle Delayed

Mekong Battle Delayed

The announcement that a decision over whether to proceed with the controversial Xayaburi dam has been delayed has been welcomed by NGOs. But will Laos push ahead anyway?

What was China’s Khmer Rouge Role?

What was China’s Khmer Rouge Role?

As the trial of former senior Khmer Rouge members continues, debate rages over how much China’s leadership knew about a key slave labor project.

Vietnam Facing Economic Crisis?

Vietnam Facing Economic Crisis?

With inflation soaring, Vietnam’s factories are feeling the pinch. Are a raft of government reforms too little too late to prevent an economic crisis?

Murder on the Mekong

Murder on the Mekong

The killing of a dozen Chinese workers in Southeast Asia’s Golden Triangle has prompted an assertive response from China. Too assertive for some of its neighbors.

Malaysia’s Militant Headache

Malaysia’s Militant Headache

Recent arrests have sparked fears that militants may be eyeing a Mumbai-style attack. Foreigners would be the likely target.

Thai Floods a Wake-up Call

Thai Floods a Wake-up Call

The devastating floods in Thailand are a reminder that climate-related challenges are here to stay. The government needs to act boldly.

Law Not War in the South China Sea

Law Not War in the South China Sea

Years of school-taught nationalism has complicated efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the South China Sea dispute. Time to try the legal route.

“Killing Fields” Trial Ready to Go

“Killing Fields” Trial Ready to Go

Pol Pot’s surviving lieutenants are about to get their day in court. But will a much-criticized process be able to bring Cambodians the justice they’re searching for?

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