
Southeast Asia

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Central Bangkok Spared, For Now

Central Bangkok Spared, For Now

Central Bangkok has escaped massive flooding that has so far claimed hundreds of lives. But with high tides to persist for a week, locals are still preparing for the worst.

West Papuans Cry For Help

West Papuans Cry For Help

Despite facing a well-armed Indonesian Army, many West Papuans are determined to fight for a greater say in their future. William Lloyd George travels to the jungles of West Papua to meet the rebels.

Genie Out of Bottle in Thailand

Genie Out of Bottle in Thailand

Thailand’s political elites are struggling to cope with the concept of a popular mandate. But Thais are increasingly demanding accountability.

Laos’ Murky War on Drugs

Laos’ Murky War on Drugs

Laos has vowed to be drug free by 2015. But the Somsanga ‘treatment centre’ offers a glimpse into a world of abuse, beatings and suicide.

Inside the Thailand Flood Zone

Inside the Thailand Flood Zone

Flooding in Thailand has already claimed at least 250 lives. With Bangkok under threat, things could get worse, reports Simon Roughneen.

South China Sea Is No Black Sea

South China Sea Is No Black Sea

The idea that the United States should abandon Southeast Asia to China is misplaced. Asia isn’t another Georgia, says James Holmes.

Philippines Ceasefire Under Threat

Philippines Ceasefire Under Threat

The factionalizing of insurgent groups is jeopardising a ceasefire that ended decades of civil war in the southern Philippines, reports Luke Hunt.

Aid and Independence

Aid and Independence

Almost a decade after it secured independence, Timor-Leste remains the second poorest state in Asia. It might help if aid donors listened a little more.

Benchmarks for Burma

Benchmarks for Burma

Burma’s government has pledged change, and there are signs something is really happening. But there are ways to measure the regime’s progress toward democracy.

Asia’s Gay-Friendliest Nation?

Asia’s Gay-Friendliest Nation?

A flexible view of sexuality has allowed gays to find a place in the community in the Philippines – as long as they stay focused on the family.

Burma's Leadership Tries Plan B

Burma's Leadership Tries Plan B

Desperate for international legitimacy, Burma’s new president has been keen to give the impression of change in the country. ASEAN shouldn’t be fooled.

Can Yingluck Fix Cambodia Ties?

Can Yingluck Fix Cambodia Ties?

The election of Yingluck Shinawatra has raised hopes that Thailand can improve its prickly ties with Cambodia. But will the Thai Army get in the way?

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