
Southeast Asia

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The South China Seasickness

The South China Seasickness

As China, the Philippines and Vietnam argue over the South China Sea the waters are being over fished and polluted. And conflict could be around the corner.

Why U.S. Should Embrace Vietnam

Why U.S. Should Embrace Vietnam

Shared wariness over China is the main reason the U.S. and Vietnam have embraced each other. But it shouldn’t be the only one.

Aung San Suu Kyi Sweeps to Win

Aung San Suu Kyi Sweeps to Win

Democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy look to have scored key victories in by-elections in Burma on Sunday.

Burma: Asia’s Next Tiger Economy?

Burma: Asia’s Next Tiger Economy?

Burma is at a crossroads, politically and economically. Will it become Asia’s new economic tiger or remain isolated from the global economy?

Will ASEAN Tackle South China Sea?

Burma is likely to be the main talking point at next week’s ASEAN summit. But will they dare tackle China’s territorial claims?

Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi Fever

Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi Fever

By Sebastian Strangio
Burma’s democratic icon is expected to take a seat in parliament following this weekend’s by-election. But is the junta using her as a fig leaf?

Burma’s Most Unenviable Politician

Burma’s Most Unenviable Politician

As Burma prepares for potentially groundbreaking by-elections on April 1, spare a thought for the man running against Aung San Suu Kyi.

Thailand Tries Tokyo Fence Mending

Thailand Tries Tokyo Fence Mending

Thailand’s lack of preparedness for floods in Bangkok frustrated Japan. But both countries have too much to lose to let ties stay sour.

Can Burma Keep Pace With Itself?

Can Burma Keep Pace With Itself?

The signs of reform in Burma are clear. But is the country changing too quickly – and will it be exploited by outsiders?

Canada's ASEAN Play

Canada's ASEAN Play

A trip to Burma by Canada’s foreign minister suggests a shift in policy toward the junta. It could also herald closer engagement with Southeast Asia.

Can Burma Find a Durable Peace?

Can Burma Find a Durable Peace?

Burma’s ruling junta may be receiving praise overseas for its apparent tilt toward democracy. But will the Karen people be won over?

Was Bangkok Just the Start?

The alleged Iranian attacks on Israeli diplomats underscore the changing face of terrorism. The fight is increasingly likely to be waged in Asia.

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