
Southeast Asia

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Damming the Nam Tha in Northern Laos

Damming the Nam Tha in Northern Laos

By Scott Ezell
The transformation of a river, and community, before and after dam construction begins in earnest.
Behind Indonesia’s Red Scare

Behind Indonesia’s Red Scare

By Gatra Priyandita
Why is the Indonesian military again warning of an imminent communist revolution?

Trump, Clinton and the Future of US-Vietnam Relations

Trump, Clinton and the Future of US-Vietnam Relations

By Roncevert Ganan Almond
Bilateral relations have come a long way. How might they fare under the next U.S. president?

Thailand's Drought Struggle

Thailand's Drought Struggle

By Cory Wright
Many parts of Thailand are in the grip of one of the worst droughts in decades.

Vietnam’s Evolving Role in US Asia Strategy

Vietnam’s Evolving Role in US Asia Strategy

By Linh Tong and Linh Tong
From the Vietnam War to the South China Sea, Hanoi's position has changed dramatically.
Malaysia – Africa’s Silent Partner

Malaysia – Africa’s Silent Partner

By Tim Steinecke
One of Southeast Asia’s largest economies is quietly engaged across Africa.

US-Vietnam Defense Relations: Problems and Prospects

US-Vietnam Defense Relations: Problems and Prospects

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at what lies ahead for cooperation between Washington and Hanoi.
Lords of Navigation: Grotius, Freitas, and the South China Sea

Lords of Navigation: Grotius, Freitas, and the South China Sea

By Roncevert Ganan Almond
The debate over maritime jurisdiction is an old one.

Indonesia's Grand Defense Vision

Indonesia's Grand Defense Vision

By Scott Edwards and Masyithoh Annisa Ramadhani
Indonesia's Defense White Paper reiterates lofty ambitions, with little advice on how to turn vision into reality.

Aung San Suu Kyi and the Cult of Personality

Aung San Suu Kyi and the Cult of Personality

By Logan Connor
The saintly status surrounding Suu Kyi has led to tunnel vision in the NLD and the international community.

The Philippines Under President Duterte

The Philippines Under President Duterte

By Danna Diaz
Duterte rode a wave of anti-establishment sentiment to victory. But how he will actually govern?
Hope and Horror in Cambodia’s Virachey National Park

Hope and Horror in Cambodia’s Virachey National Park

By Greg McCann
Rare wildlife -- and the poachers who target it -- caught on camera.

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