Malaysia’s Election Will Test the Country’s Stability
By Zachary Abuza
The prolonging of the current government risks undermining the nation’s political stability.
Stage is Set for Malaysia’s 2018 Election
By Luke Hunt
The country will head to the polls on May 9.
Will Malaysia’s Upcoming Election Put Chinese Investments at Risk?
By Qianye Zhang
How much do Chinese investors need to worry about Malaysia’s next election?
The 'Foreign Interference' Blame Game in Malaysia’s Upcoming Election
By Erin Cook
Accusations are being leveled by both sides as the campaign rhetoric heats up.
Can the New Mahathir-Anwar Alliance Defeat Najib in Malaysia’s Election?
By Luke Hunt
The country’s next poll will pit an odd couple against a scandal-ridden premier.
The Challenge for Najib’s ‘Malay First’ Policy in Malaysia’s Next Election
By Erin Cook
The failure to truly address minority concerns may come back to bite the premier in 2018.
Malaysia's Foreign Policy in Asia: Punching Above Its Weight?
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
What is Malaysia's foreign policy? The Diplomat's Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran take a look.
Malaysia's 14th General Elections: Standing Still
By Dominique F. Fernandes
With the national opposition in disarray, the elections seem to be Barisan Nasional’s to lose.
Najib’s Window Dressing Can't Hide Malaysia's Woes
By Luke Hunt
The embattled premier’s cosmetic measures cannot conceal economic realities in the country.
Malaysia's 1MDB Scandal Claims Another Scalp
By Luke Hunt
Private banker jailed for 30 months.
US Lawsuits Deepen Malaysia's 1MDB Scandal
By Luke Hunt
Malaysian premier Najib Razak is believed to be linked to the stolen funds.
ISIS, Malaysia, and the Risks of Lost Moral Authority
By Amy Chew
The Malaysian government may have lost its moral authority, but that doesn’t mean ISIS threats aren’t real.