
2015 Agreement on Comfort Women

Japan-South Korea Cooperation Rests on the Rule of Law

Japan-South Korea Cooperation Rests on the Rule of Law

By Jason Morgan and Kenji Yoshida
South Korea’s erratic court rulings and disharmony in the justice system are jeopardizing its bilateral relations with Japan.

What Will Kishida Say on August 15 at Japan’s National Memorial Ceremony for the War Dead?

What Will Kishida Say on August 15 at Japan’s National Memorial Ceremony for the War Dead?

By Mindy Kotler
Kishida has an opportunity to demonstrate his independence now that Abe is gone. Will he return to the legacy of the Murayama statement?
Conflict Between South Korea and Japan Surges Again With Court’s ‘Comfort Women’ Decision

Conflict Between South Korea and Japan Surges Again With Court’s ‘Comfort Women’ Decision

By Mitch Shin
The Japanese government rejected a court ruling on compensation for South Korean women forced into sexual slavery during World War II. 

Japan Urges South Korea to Drop Wartime Compensation Demands

Japan Urges South Korea to Drop Wartime Compensation Demands

By Associated Press
A South Korean court's recent ruling is likely to further complicate bilateral relations between the two U.S. allies.

How the US Can Mediate the Japan-South Korea Dispute

How the US Can Mediate the Japan-South Korea Dispute

By Xuan Dung Phan
The Biden administration must avoid the fundamental flaw of previous reparations arrangements: prioritizing state interests over victims’ concerns.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

South Koreans Welcome Decision to Maintain ‘Comfort Women’ Statue in Berlin

South Koreans Welcome Decision to Maintain ‘Comfort Women’ Statue in Berlin

By Mitch Shin
Tokyo’s pressure over the statue faced a set-back in Germany as the issue continues to loom large in Japan-South Korea interactions.

South Korea and Japan: Resolving the Comfort Women Issue

South Korea and Japan: Resolving the Comfort Women Issue

By Naoko Kumagai
A little more empathy is needed, on both sides.
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