
2020 US presidential election

How Trump and the 2020 US Election Are Helping Authoritarians’ Domestic Causes

How Trump and the 2020 US Election Are Helping Authoritarians’ Domestic Causes

By Mai Truong
The Trump administration has gifted autocrats with three key tools for consolidating their strength at home.

What Lies Ahead for US Foreign Policy After the Elections?

What Lies Ahead for US Foreign Policy After the Elections?

By Abhijnan Rej
The close race indicates lasting shifts in American politics which will spill over to U.S. international engagements.
What Will Vietnam Look for From the Next U.S. Administration?

What Will Vietnam Look for From the Next U.S. Administration?

By Hanh Nguyen
Vietnam hopes for more nuanced, multidimensional U.S. engagement as it seeks to enhance its strategic autonomy.

No Matter Who Wins in November, Budget Cuts and Domestic Politics Will Crimp America’s China Strategy

No Matter Who Wins in November, Budget Cuts and Domestic Politics Will Crimp America’s China Strategy

By Jacob Parakilas
Even though China is a rare point of convergence for both parties, partisan politics and COVID-19 induced cuts will affect the U.S. military’s ability to hold the fort in Asia-Pacific come January.

India’s Identity Politics Has Reached Its Diaspora in the US

India’s Identity Politics Has Reached Its Diaspora in the US

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Fragmentation of the Indian-American community stands to diminish its power as an Indian foreign policy lobby.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

While America Decides, America’s Allies Wait

While America Decides, America’s Allies Wait

By Yukari Easton
Governments in Asia wonder: If Trump wins re-election, will they still be able to rely on the United States?

‘One of Us’: South Asians Celebrate Harris as Biden’s VP Choice

‘One of Us’: South Asians Celebrate Harris as Biden’s VP Choice

By Associated Press
The first Indian American -- or, indeed, Asian American -- candidate on a U.S. presidential ticket has caused quite a stir.
Team Biden’s Policies on China and Taiwan

Team Biden’s Policies on China and Taiwan

By Yang Kuang-shun
To understand a possible President Biden's China approach, we need to look at the views of his likely advisers.

What Do the US Democratic Presidential Contenders Think About China?

What Do the US Democratic Presidential Contenders Think About China?

By Eleanor Albert
So far, the Democrats have had little to say about what’s often called the world’s most important bilateral relationship.

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