
2024 Bangladesh election

Bangladesh’s Flawed Election Increases Polarization, Risk of Violence

Bangladesh’s Flawed Election Increases Polarization, Risk of Violence

By Pierre Prakash
The Awami League remains in power; voter frustration is at an all-time high after three successive controversial elections.
How Social Media Will be Weaponized in Bangladesh’s Election

How Social Media Will be Weaponized in Bangladesh’s Election

By Md. Sayeed Al-Zaman
As Bangladesh preps for its election, social media is overflowing with information – and being weaponized by political parties.

Economy Hangs in the Balance as Bangladesh’s Hasina Hangs on to Power

Economy Hangs in the Balance as Bangladesh’s Hasina Hangs on to Power

By M Niaz Asadullah
Some had hoped Bangladesh would be Asia's next tiger economy. Instead, it may be heading for a deep economic crisis, reversing years of gains.

The Great Bangladesh Election Conundrum

The Great Bangladesh Election Conundrum

By Tushar Shetty
A primer on Bangladesh’s convoluted electoral history and the various players involved, featuring host Tushar Shetty and guests Mubashar Hasan and Smruti S. Pattanaik.

Bangladesh’s Make-or-Break Elections

Bangladesh’s Make-or-Break Elections

By Smruti S. Pattanaik
The 2024 election is a matter of political survival for both the ruling Awami League and the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party.
Bangladeshis Look to the US for Restoration of Democracy

Bangladeshis Look to the US for Restoration of Democracy

By Faiz Ahmad Taiyeb
Are the US pressure tactics aimed at strengthening democracy or securing concessions from the present regime in Bangladesh?

Protests, Crackdowns, Boycott Calls Complicate Bangladesh’s Election Scenario

Protests, Crackdowns, Boycott Calls Complicate Bangladesh’s Election Scenario

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Amidst a boycott call by the opposition BNP, several new parties have thrown their hats into the electoral ring.
India Reiterates that Upcoming General Election is Bangladesh’s Domestic Matter

India Reiterates that Upcoming General Election is Bangladesh’s Domestic Matter

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Has the Indian foreign secretary’s remark distancing Delhi from the elections emboldened the Awami League to press ahead with its election plans?

What Will India’s Changing Approach To Bangladesh’s National Elections Mean for the Hasina Government?

What Will India’s Changing Approach To Bangladesh’s National Elections Mean for the Hasina Government?

By Arkoprabho Hazra
India is taking a much more inclusive approach toward the 2024 Bangladesh national elections, rather than putting all its bets on the Awami League.

As Elections Near, 3 Scenarios for Bangladesh

As Elections Near, 3 Scenarios for Bangladesh

By Arild Engelsen Ruud
Surging violence is the most likely scenario, and a compromise is the least likely.

Political Storm Brews in Election-Bound Bangladesh

Political Storm Brews in Election-Bound Bangladesh

By Mubashar Hasan
Despite efforts by the government to decimate rivals, the opposition BNP is drawing huge crowds at rallies.
Bangladesh’s Democracy Under Siege

Bangladesh’s Democracy Under Siege

By Zarif Faiaz
With a notorious track record of crackdowns on the opposition and the free media, a lot is riding on Bangladesh's general elections next year.

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