
Abe Statement

Abe Won’t Be There for China’s War Commemorative Parade, But Murayama Will Be

By Ankit Panda
Tomiichi Murayama, the Japanese prime minister who set the benchmark for apology, will be in Beijing on September 3.

The Abe Statement: A Korean Perspective

The Abe Statement: A Korean Perspective

By Sukjoon Yoon
Japan and the U.S. might prefer to keep the focus on the future, but for Korea it is not so simple.
Ichiro Ozawa: Statement on the 70th Anniversary of the End of WWII

Ichiro Ozawa: Statement on the 70th Anniversary of the End of WWII

By Ichiro Ozawa
"Japan still has not become a nation that truly understands democracy."

What Abe's WW2 Anniversary Statement Says About Japanese Identity

What Abe's WW2 Anniversary Statement Says About Japanese Identity

By Mina Pollmann
The language in Abe's statement reflects a mainstream consensus on modern Japanese identity.

How to Read the Abe Statement

How to Read the Abe Statement

By Shin Kawashima
How to evaluate Abe's August 15 statement on the 70th anniversary of Japan's defeat in World War II.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How Japan's Emperor (Subtly) Criticized Shinzo Abe

How Japan's Emperor (Subtly) Criticized Shinzo Abe

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan's Emperor Akihito appears to be determined to remind his people of the horrors of World War II.

Let's Keep the Abe Statement in Perspective

Let's Keep the Abe Statement in Perspective

By Brad Glosserman
It is important to distinguish between the man making the statement and the country he leads.
China, South Korea Not Convinced by Abe's WW2 Anniversary Speech

China, South Korea Not Convinced by Abe's WW2 Anniversary Speech

By Shannon Tiezzi
China was blunt about its disappointment, while South Korea held out hope for better relations.

Abe Stokes History Wars by Avoiding Apology

Abe Stokes History Wars by Avoiding Apology

By Jeff Kingston
With his 70th anniversary statement, the Japanese prime minister fails the test of history.

Abe Focuses on Japan’s 'Lessons Learned'

Abe Focuses on Japan’s 'Lessons Learned'

By Sheila A. Smith
Some might focus on what the Japanese PM did not say; but what he did say was interesting ... and important.

Twitter Says: South Koreans Not Satisfied with Abe’s Speech

Twitter Says: South Koreans Not Satisfied with Abe’s Speech

By Steven Denney
The initial response on social media was overwhelmingly negative.
Should the United States Be Blamed for Japan’s Historical Revisionism?

Should the United States Be Blamed for Japan’s Historical Revisionism?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
In hindsight, exonerating Japan’s Emperor was a grave mistake.

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