Afghan reconstruction

Does More Aid Mean More Corruption in Afghanistan?
By Ahmad Shah Katawazai
Looking ahead to the Brussels conference, and back to the Kabul Bank scandal.

Will the World Keep Funding Afghanistan?
By Catherine Putz
Donors are expected to commit to $4 billion annually, but how will they ensure the aid is effective?

The Plight of Afghan Refugees
By M. Ashraf Haidari
There is only one truly durable solution to the issue of Afghan refugees.

Why Was an Afghan Compressed Natural Gas Station 86 Times More Expensive Than Expected?
By Ankit Panda
U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction wants to know why, but the Pentagon has no answers.

The Afghan Government Should Take Advantage of Mullah Omar’s Death ASAP
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
The Afghan government has a unique opening with Omar's death. It shouldn't squander it.

In Afghanistan, SIGAR Says Attaching Strings to Aid is a Good Idea
By Catherine Putz
SIGAR’s latest quarterly report stresses conditionality in aid and highlights accuracy problems at USAID.

How Hamid Karzai Continues to Rule Afghanistan From Beyond the (Political) Grave
By Kambaiz Rafi
The former Afghan president is leveraging a personal network to exercise influence beyond his term.

Afghanistan: A Story of Successful US Failures
By Mohammad Tanha
Why has the U.S.-led force failed to build a self-sustainable Afghanistan?
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