Afghanistan civilian casualties

How 9/11 Changed – and Didn’t Change – Afghanistan
By Freshta Jalalzai
The terror attacks on September 11, 2001, seemingly changed the trajectory of Afghanistan’s history. But today, the country in many ways is back to the status quo ante – except for the thousands of lives lost to war.

Alfred Nobel, Technology, and the End of War
By Jacob Parakilas
The namesake of the famous prize believed that more destructive weapons would make war unthinkable. Few people believe that anymore – but we have new delusions to contend with.

As Afghan War Enters Latest Brutal Phase, Civilians Suffer
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Afghan civilians, always in the crossfire between government and Taliban forces, are more at risk than ever before.

Violence Remains High in Afghanistan as US Withdrawal Begins
By Catherine Putz
Since the U.S.-Taliban peace deal, Afghan casualties -- both military and civilian -- have soared. That bodes ill for the future.

Report: With Relaxed Restrictions, More Civilians Died in Air Strikes in Afghanistan in 2017-2020
By Catherine Putz
Relaxed rules of engagement for air strikes led to increased civilian casualties in Afghanistan.

Witnesses: Afghan Government Airstrikes Kill 24 Civilians
By Associated Press
The Afghan Defense Ministry, however, said the airstrikes killed 30 Taliban fighters.

Afghanistan Sees Drop in Civilian Casualties, But Threat Remains Serious
By Catherine Putz
The UN says more than 500 civilians were killed in the first three months of 2020 and urged a ceasefire so the country can focus on fighting COVID-19.

In ‘Memory Boxes,’ Afghans Memorialize Lives Lost to Violence
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
A recently opened center in Kabul memorializes the victims of Afghanistan’s chronic state of war.

Taliban Killed 33 Troops, Police in Helmand
By Amir Shah
Separately, a NATO airstrike reportedly killed 13, including 10 children, in northern Afghanistan.

2018: The Deadliest Year Yet for Afghan Civilians
By Kathy Gannon
According to the UN, last year saw the highest number of Afghan civilian deaths since it began recording in 2009.

Peace Springs in Taliban Heartland?
By Ahmad Shuja Jamal
The Taliban should heed a grassroots movement demanding an end to civilian casualties.

Afghan Civilian Casualties, the Elephant in the Room
By Said Sabir Ibrahimi
Civilian deaths in Afghanistan shouldn’t be treated as simple statistics that no one wants to talk about.
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