Afghanistan democracy
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How Afghanistan’s Judiciary Lost Its Independence
By Sayed Ziafatullah Saeedi
For reasons both structural and political, the Afghan Supreme Court has turned into a de facto ally of the president.

An Afghan Peace on Whose Terms?
By Marvin G. Weinbaum and Samad Sadri
Peace talks are predicated on the notion that the Taliban have fundamentally changed. They haven't.

Is the Taliban’s Former Capital Ready to Welcome Them Back?
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Kandahar has come a long way since Taliban rule. What do its residents think about the peace talks?

Here Come Afghanistan’s Youth
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Afghanistan’s election was a battle between traditional strongmen and young optimists.

Afghan Parliamentary Elections Marred by Technical Troubles and Insecurity
By Franz J. Marty
Despite security risks and technical difficulties, Afghanistan goes to the polls.

The Illusion of Afghanistan's Upcoming Parliamentary Elections
By Nafay Choudhury
Fixing Afghanistan’s broken electoral system requires reforms that alter its fundamental operation.

Why Are Afghanistan’s Elections Crucial?
By Noah Coburn
How this week’s parliamentary elections will reshape Afghanistan’s political future.

Beyond Pakistan, Afghanistan’s Most Serious Problem Is Governance
By Ahmad Mohibbi
It is time to seriously assess the performance of the Afghan National Unity Government.

Elections Might Make Things Worse for Afghanistan
By Abdullah Elham
Upcoming elections, unless reforms are made, will only increase political instability.

Afghanistan in 2017: Achievements and Challenges
By M. Ashraf Haidari
Afghanistan remains a work in progress.

Afghan Parliamentary Elections: Huffing and Puffing, But Missing the Bigger Picture
By Nafay Choudhury
The current focus on the shortcomings of the IEC risks overshadowing the bigger problems of electoral representation.
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