Afghanistan mining sector

Challenges to China’s Growing Interests in Afghanistan
By Muhammad Murad
While Chinese investment is rising, particularly in the mining sector, the operations face both local pushback and logistical headaches.

Afghanistan Continues to Refine Its Extraction Strategy
By Patrick Yeager
The Taliban are gradually increasing revenue streams from resource extraction operations in an effort to minimize the impact of Western pressure.

Evaluating the Taliban’s Economic Policies
By Gul Maqsood Sabit
The Taliban’s interim government has boasted about its economic success, but few Afghans are feeling a positive impact.

The Difficulties of Extracting Afghanistan’s Hidden Mineral Treasures
By Franz J. Marty
While Afghanistan’s mineral riches are often depicted as a way out of aid dependency, Afghan miners continue to face problems in realizing those dreams.

Afghanistan’s Mineral Resources Are a Lost Opportunity and a Threat
By Ahmad Shah Katawazai
Without a coherent strategy, Afghanistan's vast mineral resources represent both a lost opportunity and a threat to national security.

Afghan Mineral Wealth: A Double-Edged Sword
By Wahidullah Azizi
Much of Afghanistan's hope hangs on its natural resources, but only if they can be exploited in a way that benefits Afghans.

Afghanistan’s Minerals: A Looted Economic Hope for Stability
By Gul Maqsood Sabit
Instead of being looted, Afghanistan’s resources should be strategically exploited for the country's benefit.

Why the Americans Shouldn't Dig for Coal in Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
There's coal in them thar Afghan hills.

Will Afghanistan's Minerals Shape Trump's Policy Toward the Region?
By Ahmad Shah Katawazai
Afghanistan's mineral wealth could help kickstart the economy, but beware of the resource curse.

The Story Behind China's Long-Stalled Mine in Afghanistan
By Mohsin Amin
Nine years after Chinese companies took control of Mes Aynak, copper extraction has yet to start.

Taliban Loot Afghanistan's Mineral Riches
By Yigal Chazan
Illegal mining fuels the Taliban insurgency, threatening to turn the country’s vast mineral wealth into a "resource curse."
Islamic State Eying Afghanistan’s Natural Resources
By Brian M. Perkins
An expansion of the group’s operations in Afghanistan could threaten the fledgling mining industry.
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