Afghanistan-Russia relations

A Reality Check on Afghanistan’s Isolation Under the Taliban
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Beneath the U.N. secretary general’s claims of consensus in Doha, a clear division is visible among countries regarding whether and how to do business with the Taliban.

The Fight for Afghanistan’s Future
By Ankit Panda
What lies ahead for Afghanistan as the United States withdraws and fighting between the Taliban and the government intensifies?

As US-Taliban Peace Process Collapses, an Opportunity for Russia?
By Samuel Ramani
An expansion of Russia’s diplomatic involvement could help non-Western powers expand their say over Afghanistan’s political future.

Russia and the Taliban: Talking With Terrorists
By Samuel Ramani
Moscow continues to designate the Taliban as a terrorist group, but at the same time has made consistent diplomatic contacts.

Can Russia End the War in Afghanistan?
By Samuel Ramani
Russia has been seeking to establish a leading role in the stabilization of Afghanistan.

What Happened on the Afghan-Tajik Border?
By Catherine Putz
Afghan officials say either a Tajik or Russian plane (or helicopter) conducted an airstrike on the Afghan side of the border.

Is Russia Arming the Taliban?
By Catherine Putz
There’s no proverbial smoking Kalashnikov, but American officials continue to suggest Russia is arming the Taliban.

The Myth of an Iran-Russia Alliance in Afghanistan
By Samuel Ramani
For Iran and Russia, Afghanistan is more likely to be an area of geopolitical competition than a sphere of cooperation.

How Russia May Approach the Taliban and Afghanistan in 2017
By Ankit Panda
A revealing interview with Putin's top envoy in Afghanistan suggests continued rapprochement with the Taliban.

The Rise of Taliban Diplomacy
By Ahmad Bilal Khalil
How are the Taliban and Kabul faring in their diplomatic tug-of-war over Afghanistan's neighbors?

Just How Many ISIS Fighters Are There in Afghanistan?
By Casey Michel
Estimates from Moscow’s special envoy to Kabul are a constantly changing thing.

From Russia with Bullets: Moscow Gifts Kabul 10,000 AK-47s
By Catherine Putz
Russia gives Afghanistan 10,000 assault rifles, but abstains from joining American efforts at peace talks.
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