Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border

What Happens During Turkmen Military Drills?
By Catherine Putz
Also, the plight of Tajik afgantsy, US-Uzbek relations and fighting stereotypes in Kazakhstan. Recommended reads.

Can China Really Save Central Asian Economies?
By Casey Michel
Beijing may not, after all, provide the economic deus ex machina Central Asian governments have hoped for.

Russia Ready to Help Turkmenistan Protect its Afghan Border
By Catherine Putz
Of course, Ashgabat says it doesn’t need the help but the offer stands.

Russia’s Gazprom Stops Buying Gas from Turkmenistan
By Catherine Putz
The announcement illustrates how corroded gas relations between Ashgabat and Moscow have gotten.

Could TAPI Bring Peace to Afghanistan?
By Catherine Putz
If history is any indication, no.

Taliban Stuck on an Island Between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan
By Catherine Putz
With Taliban militants marooned on an island in the Amu Darya, Ashgabat can no longer deny there is trouble on the border.

Sex Sells, Even in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
Analyzing the Kyrgyz election and just who does Turkmenistan think it’s fooling? Friday links.

Why is There a Turkmen Delegation in Washington?
By Catherine Putz
Ashgabat is nervous about the border with Afghanistan, but you wouldn't know it inside the country.

Are Turkmenistan's Pipelines Pipe Dreams?
By Casey Michel
Caught between the undelineated Caspian and a deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, Ashgabat has few options.

Turkmenistan’s Insecurity Nexus
By Bradley Jardine
When Ashgabat's elites perceive themselves as vulnerable, violent crackdowns and repression ensues.

In Turkmenistan, Border Woes Trump Education
By Bradley Jardine
Ashgabat has decided to solve its manpower problem by cutting off study abroad for Turkmen students.
Turkmenistan Says Russia Hasn’t Paid for Gas in 2015
By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan has a press problem and other links.