Afghanistan-Uzbekistan relations

Could Afghanistan’s Qoshtepa Canal Worsen Water Scarcity in Central Asia?
By Andrew Kuchins and Elvira Aidarkhanova
The canal's completion could exacerbate regional conflict, but also presents an opportunity for regional cooperation.

Uzbekistan’s Approach to Afghanistan in the Context of Strengthening Regional Security
By Nargiza Umarova
Given the implications for security and stability, Central Asian countries must develop a common, coordinated approach to Afghanistan. Uzbekistan is seeking to lead the way.

US Transferring Afghan Aircraft to Uzbek Control
By Catherine Putz
The ultimate fate of the 46 Afghan aircraft that fled the country and landed in Uzbekistan as the Republic collapsed in 2021 isn’t surprising, but the Taliban remain steadfast in opposition.

Uzbekistan Forges Ahead, Deepening Relations With Taliban-ruled Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
Amid a recent visit by Uzbekistan’s prime ministers, the two sides signed $2.5 billion in trade and investment deals.

Uzbekistan and the New Realities of Trans-Afghan Trade
By Nargiza Umarova
Significant changes in the international logistics system are fueling the development of trans-Afghan routes, but Uzbekistan may have to deal with increased competition.

The West Can Support the People of Afghanistan via Central Asia
By Andrew Gilmour
While Western governments opt to wait out the crisis in Afghanistan, a unique opportunity arises as Central Asian states, in particular Uzbekistan, choose a pragmatic route.

Trade and Transit Top Agenda as Uzbek Delegation Visits Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
A large Uzbek delegation visited Kabul over the weekend, with trade and transit issues under discussion.

The Taliban and Central Asia
By Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili
Although the relationship between Afghanistan and Central Asia started with confrontation and confusion, it has evolved into a cooperation based on shared norms.

The Cost of Uzbekistan’s ‘Pragmatic’ Taliban Policy
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Tashkent’s approach to the Taliban has shifted over the years, with the latest swing moving it toward more direct engagement.

The Taliban’s New Canal Threatens Water Security in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
By Niginakhon Saida
As the Taliban rush to complete the Qosh Tepa canal, Central Asia’s water security is at risk.

After Temporary Suspension, What’s Next for the Trans-Afghan Railway?
By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
Railway transportation re-opened from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan after a recent suspension was lifted, but key questions remain.

Afghanistan, Uzbekistan Settle New Electricity Agreement Amid Winter Shortages
By Catherine Putz
Under the new agreement, Uzbekistan will supply Afghanistan with 450 megawatts of electricity during the winter as both countries suffer from outages.
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