Afghanistan withdrawal

2021 in Asian Geopolitics: A Retrospective
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
What were the major developments and events that drove geopolitical trends in Asia in 2021?

The Indians Still Stranded in Afghanistan
By Ritu Mahendru
At least 100 Indians are waiting to be evacuated from Afghanistan, with New Delhi offering little help or information.

What Washington’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Means for Southeast Asia
By John Harley Breen
The haphazard withdrawal will likely reinforce long-standing queries about the strength of U.S. commitments in the region.

US Aims for 4,500 Troops in Afghanistan by November
By Catherine Putz
CENTCOM Commander McKenzie told reporters U.S. withdrawal plans aim for 4,500 troops in Afghanistan on a “October, late October, November time frame.”

Trump: US to Keep 8,600 Troops in Afghanistan After Deal With Taliban
By Ankit Panda
The count would put U.S. force levels at 200 over where they were when Obama left office.

The Taliban’s Unity of Purpose
By Asim Yousafzai
A lack of harmony between Pakistan and Afghanistan supports the militants’ unity of purpose.

The Dream of Peace in Afghanistan
With a new era about to begin, the international community must help Afghanistan find peace.

India and Pakistan: Competition or Cooperation in Afghanistan?
By Ram Mashru
As the international military presence winds down, the dynamics of the Indo-Af-Pak triangle will certainly change.

Why Russia is Worried About the “Zero Option” in Afghanistan
As the withdrawal approaches, Moscow’s own experience tells it to fear the potential for regional chaos.

Saving Afghanistan’s Economy: The 1818 Model
The early U.S. experience may offer an idea for avoiding the crash that looks likely in Afghanistan post-2014.
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