Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)

The Japan-China Defense Hotline’s Growing Importance
By Clint Richards
The Japan-U.S. defense guidelines update is necessitating dialogue in the East China Sea.

Freedom of Navigation and China: What Should Europe Do?
By Edward Schwarck
It is in Europe’s interests to join in defending the concept of freedom of navigation.
Hillary Clinton’s China Policy
By Amitai Etzioni
In her new book the potential 2016 presidential candidate talks about her approach to China.

China May Build ‘Artificial Island’ in South China Sea
By Zachary Keck
The island would be used as a military base to enforce a South China Sea air-defense identification zone.

Taiwan Asserts Itself in East China Sea
By Zachary Keck
The Taiwanese Coast Guard and Military conducted a simulated fire drill and patrols in the East China Sea last week.

Chinese Foreign Ministry: No South China Sea ADIZ
By Ankit Panda
China says that reports of a South China Sea ADIZ being imminent are baseless rumors.

China’s Drafting a South China Sea ADIZ
By Zachary Keck
China reportedly began drawing up plans for a South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone as early as May 2013.

Understanding Security Competition in Asia
By Thomas Wright
Do greater levels of interdependence mean the region is less susceptible to a crisis?

Northeast Asia: Top 5 Security Stories of 2013
By Robert E. Kelly
A look back at the stories most likely to have implications going forward in 2014.

Four Flashpoints to Watch in 2014
By Harry Kazianis
After a tense 2013, don’t expect the Asia-Pacific to be any less fraught next year.

Japan Doubles Down on ASEAN
By J. Berkshire Miller
Tokyo has had a busy year reaching out to ASEAN countries. Will the effort continue in 2014?

Strategic Bombers: MVP of the Nuclear Triad
By Lt Col Thomas C. Kirkham, USAF
Calls for the retirement of America’s nuclear-capable bombers make little strategic sense.