
Air-Sea Battle

The Day After: China Edition

The Day After: China Edition

By Amitai Etzioni
Say the U.S. emerges as the victor in a war with China. What comes next?
The One Article to Read on Chinese Naval Strategy in 2015

The One Article to Read on Chinese Naval Strategy in 2015

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A fascinating new paper by two academics asks us to question a fundamental assumption about China’s naval buildup.

The Myth of India as a Great Power

The Myth of India as a Great Power

By Zachary Keck
Plus, Fukuyama on dealing with China and Xi Jinping as China’s new imperial president. Pacific Realist links.

Reassurance and Resolve: Saving US-China Relations

Reassurance and Resolve: Saving US-China Relations

By Shannon Tiezzi
A blueprint to getting US-China relations back on track.

Shaming Won’t Stop China’s Salami Slicing

Shaming Won’t Stop China’s Salami Slicing

By Zachary Keck
The U.S. military realizes it needs to do more to stop China's salami-slicing. Unfortunately, it doesn't know how.
Is China a Paper Tiger?

Is China a Paper Tiger?

By Zachary Keck
Plus, Fukuyama on the absurdity of U.S. foreign policy. Weekend reading links.

America’s Air-Sea Battle Plan in Korea

America’s Air-Sea Battle Plan in Korea

By Zachary Keck
The U.S. military will adopt ASB as its new warfighting plan in Korea, according to a U.S. military official.
China’s Underwater A2/AD Strategy

China’s Underwater A2/AD Strategy

By Harry Kazianis
New research suggests China is deploying a fixed ocean-floor acoustic arrays system for anti-submarine warfare.

The Political Utility of China’s A2/AD Challenge

The Political Utility of China’s A2/AD Challenge

By Zachary Keck
Anti-Access/Area Denial is often seen purely in military terms. It’s much bigger than that.

The US Air Force's Asia Pivot

The US Air Force's Asia Pivot

By Zachary Keck
Plus, the U.S. military defines Air-Sea Battle... again. And some other linkage.

The Air-Sea Battle Debate Heats Up

The Air-Sea Battle Debate Heats Up

By Zachary Keck
Plus, contemporary nuclear strategy and correcting misconceptions on Iran. Weekend links.
Air-Sea Battle to Cost $524.5 Billion Through 2023

Air-Sea Battle to Cost $524.5 Billion Through 2023

By Zachary Keck
A new report finds the U.S. Navy and Air Force will spend more on ASB than the nuclear triad over the next decade.

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