Air-Sea Battle

The Day After: China Edition
By Amitai Etzioni
Say the U.S. emerges as the victor in a war with China. What comes next?

The One Article to Read on Chinese Naval Strategy in 2015
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A fascinating new paper by two academics asks us to question a fundamental assumption about China’s naval buildup.

The Myth of India as a Great Power
By Zachary Keck
Plus, Fukuyama on dealing with China and Xi Jinping as China’s new imperial president. Pacific Realist links.

Reassurance and Resolve: Saving US-China Relations
By Shannon Tiezzi
A blueprint to getting US-China relations back on track.

Shaming Won’t Stop China’s Salami Slicing
By Zachary Keck
The U.S. military realizes it needs to do more to stop China's salami-slicing. Unfortunately, it doesn't know how.

Is China a Paper Tiger?
By Zachary Keck
Plus, Fukuyama on the absurdity of U.S. foreign policy. Weekend reading links.

America’s Air-Sea Battle Plan in Korea
By Zachary Keck
The U.S. military will adopt ASB as its new warfighting plan in Korea, according to a U.S. military official.

China’s Underwater A2/AD Strategy
By Harry Kazianis
New research suggests China is deploying a fixed ocean-floor acoustic arrays system for anti-submarine warfare.

The Political Utility of China’s A2/AD Challenge
By Zachary Keck
Anti-Access/Area Denial is often seen purely in military terms. It’s much bigger than that.

The US Air Force's Asia Pivot
By Zachary Keck
Plus, the U.S. military defines Air-Sea Battle... again. And some other linkage.

The Air-Sea Battle Debate Heats Up
By Zachary Keck
Plus, contemporary nuclear strategy and correcting misconceptions on Iran. Weekend links.

Air-Sea Battle to Cost $524.5 Billion Through 2023
By Zachary Keck
A new report finds the U.S. Navy and Air Force will spend more on ASB than the nuclear triad over the next decade.
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