
Will Japan's Aegis Ashore Radar Choice Elicit China's Wrath?
By Ankit Panda
Japan's choice of a radar to go with its Aegis Ashore battery will be closely scrutinized in China.

THAAD System Successfully Completes Intercept of MRBM-Class Target
By Ankit Panda
THAAD successfully intercepts a medium-range ballistic missile target.

The THAAD System in South Korea Detected North Korea's Latest Missile Launch. So What?
By Ankit Panda
THAAD's utility against a system like the Hwasong-12 is severely limited.

It's Official: THAAD Missile Defense Is Up and Running in South Korea
By Ankit Panda
The controversial missile defense system has become operational, days ahead of South Korea's 2017 presidential election.

China-Based Hackers Targeting South Korea Over THAAD: Report
By Ankit Panda
China's retaliation against South Korea for the deployment of THAAD continues.
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