APEC 2018

Shane McLeod on Papua New Guinea After APEC
By Shannon Tiezzi
“The test will be whether PNG will, in the short, medium, and long term, be able to realize the benefits of hosting.”

Papua New Guinea Stands up to China – For Now
By Bonnie Girard
Reports of China “bullying” APEC's poorest member marred the latest annual summit in PNG.

What the APEC 2018 Summit Reveals About China's Regional Economic Insecurities
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
The U.S. trade war with China is bearing out serious consequences for Beijing—and not just economic ones.

Why the US and China Can’t Get to Yes (Even When They Could)
By Meicen Sun & Jacob Sotiriadis
A difference in diplomatic styles between the United States and China has mattered a great deal.

Xi Arrives in Papua New Guinea for First-Ever Visit by a Chinese President
By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi Jinping hopes to defend – and expand – China’s role in the Pacific.

Don't Let APEC Overshadow the Manus Island Debacle
By Nicholas Bequelin
Will APEC leaders stand by while Australia condemns hundreds to indefinite offshore detention – including in PNG?

Shankaran Nambiar on Asian Integration in the Age of Trump
By Prashanth Parameswaran
What to watch for when APEC leaders gather in Port Moresby.
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