Arihant-class submarines

Reports: India Launches 3rd Arihant Submarine
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The naval arm of the nuclear triad is especially significant for India given its no-first use (NFU) nuclear posture.

India Test Fires Short-Range Ballistic Missiles From Submerged Sub
By Franz-Stefan Gady
With the recent test firing of three submarine-launched ballistic missiles, India is inching closer to completing its nuclear triad.

To Become a Deadly Sub-Hunting Force, the Indian Navy Needs to Think Bigger Than Just P-8Is
By Pushan Das
The purchase of four P-8Is is a step in the right direction, but more work needs to be done.

Why India Needs Both Nuclear and Conventional Submarines
By Abhijit Singh
In an Indian context, an all-nuclear submarine force is an essentially flawed idea.

India Successfully Tests Intermediate-Range Nuclear-Capable Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile
By Ankit Panda
With the successful launch of a K-4 from the Arihant's on-board silo, India steps closer to its nuclear triad.
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