
Is 'Russia’s Deadliest Tank' Really Invisible to the Enemy?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Some experts are skeptical over recent Russian claims.

Waging War Is Still Good Business in Russia
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Despite sanctions, the Russian defense sector is booming.

Can This Chinese Tank Beat Russia’s T-14 Armata?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Chinese tank maker Norinco claims that its VT-4 is superior to Russia’s deadliest armored fighting vehicle.

Is the 'World’s Deadliest Tank' Bankrupting Russia?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Moscow is overspending on its armed forces and still might not get the military it wants by 2020.

Revealed: Russia’s Deadly New Tank Force
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Putin's new armored corps delineates a clear break with Soviet-era legacy weapon systems.

Putin’s New 'Wunderwaffe': The World’s Deadliest Tank?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Why tankers in the West should be worried about Moscow's new armor.
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