Arunachal Pradesh

A Flight of Fancy: Is India Finally Taking Air Connectivity in the Northeast Seriously?
By Priyanka Borpujari
Could the BJP fly its way into a fantasy of a resource-rich Arunachal Pradesh?

India and China Reduce the Temperature Ahead of High-Level Meetings
By Ankit Panda
The complex relationship between New Delhi and Beijing is returning to its pre-Doklam equilibrium.

Amid Chinese Protests Over Arunachal Pradesh, India Stands Firm
By Aman Thakker
Modi plans to visit Arunachal Pradesh soon to send a signal to China to stop testing India over the northeastern state.

Is India Testing China Out on Their Disputed Border Again?
By Charlotte Gao
China ‘firmly’ opposes to Indian president’s latest visit to disputed Arunachal Pradesh

India's Uncompromising Stand Against China in the Himalayas Is Backed Up With Hard Power
By Nitin A. Gokhale
India's military capabilities at the Himalayas put it in a position to bargain with China.

China’s Creeping Invasion of India
By Saurav Jha
India is scrambling to build infrastructure that will allow it to counter Chinese incursions along the LAC.

Why Is India Excluding Australia From Naval Drills?
By Jeff M. Smith
A closer look at the reasons for New Delhi’s stance on the Malabar exercises.

After Dalai Lama's Visit, China Releases Standardized Names in Area Disputed With India
By Ankit Panda
Beijing reacts to the Dalai Lama's movements within India.

The Dalai Lama's Tawang Visit: The Aftermath
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
Perhaps this is New Delhi’s way of holding its own against China.

Border Pressure: The Dalai Lama Will Visit Arunachal Pradesh
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
Will the Tibetan leader's visit to Arunachal Pradesh escalate border tensions between India and China?

2017 Might Mark a Turning Point for Connectivity in Northeast India
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
The Indian northeast's fortunes are looking up amid a concerted connectivity push.

How Water Scarcity Could Fuel Another Sino-Indian War
By Francis P. Sempa
A recent article lays out how water and geopolitics combine in Arunachal Pradesh.