

Russian ASAT Test Highlights Urgent Need for Space Governance Negotiations

Russian ASAT Test Highlights Urgent Need for Space Governance Negotiations

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The absence of earnest multilateral discussions could send more states down the path of space weaponization, making access to space increasingly tricky.

Space Security Governance: Could a New Working Group Narrow the Divide?

Space Security Governance: Could a New Working Group Narrow the Divide?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
There are genuine concerns that if steps are not taken to halt the current trend toward space weaponization, space could become an active warfighting domain.
How Much Longer Can Space Remain Demilitarized?

How Much Longer Can Space Remain Demilitarized?

By Jacob Parakilas
As access to space becomes easier and space-based assets cheaper, the prospect of demilitarization is bleak.

Space Security and Geopolitical Competition in the Asia-Pacific

Space Security and Geopolitical Competition in the Asia-Pacific

By Ankit Panda
Between the proliferation of counterspace capabilities and intensifying geopolitical competition, space is a critical domain for Asian powers.

The US Congress Needs Facts, Not Hyperbole, on China’s Space Program

The US Congress Needs Facts, Not Hyperbole, on China’s Space Program

By Gregory Kulacki
Alarming and factually challenged assessments of China’s space program should not guide U.S. policy.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Managing New Actors in the Space Domain

Managing New Actors in the Space Domain

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New entrants in the Indo-Pacific offer both opportunities and challenges for the outer space realm.

A First: India to Launch First Simulated Space Warfare Exercise

A First: India to Launch First Simulated Space Warfare Exercise

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Reports of a tabletop wargame speak to India’s ongoing efforts to develop its space policy.
Mission Shakti and Beyond: Breaking Down India’s Anti-Satellite Test

Mission Shakti and Beyond: Breaking Down India’s Anti-Satellite Test

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
India’s prime minister has declared the country a “space superpower.”

Exclusive: India Conducted a Failed Anti-Satellite Test in February 2019

Exclusive: India Conducted a Failed Anti-Satellite Test in February 2019

By Ankit Panda
India succeeded in destroying a satellite in low earth orbit in March, but that wasn’t its first attempted ASAT test.

India’s Leap in Space: The Significance of the First Indian Anti-Satellite Test

India’s Leap in Space: The Significance of the First Indian Anti-Satellite Test

By Harsh V Pant and Shounak Set
India’s anti-satellite test is a major moment.

Indian Prime Minister Announces Successful Anti-Satellite Weapon Test in National Address

Indian Prime Minister Announces Successful Anti-Satellite Weapon Test in National Address

By Ankit Panda
An Indian interceptor missile destroyed a satellite at an altitude of 300 km.
Trump's Space Force Misses the Mark on Chinese and Russian Space Threats

Trump's Space Force Misses the Mark on Chinese and Russian Space Threats

By Ankit Panda
The United States should avoid launching an arms race in space.

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