
ASEAN migrant workers

One Woman’s Journey From Persecution in Myanmar to Sex Work in Thailand

One Woman’s Journey From Persecution in Myanmar to Sex Work in Thailand

By Shivaji Das and Yolanda Yu
"I don’t know about my future. How about you? Do you know your future?"
Post-Pandemic Recovery and the Plight of ASEAN’s Migrant Workers

Post-Pandemic Recovery and the Plight of ASEAN’s Migrant Workers

By Thong Sariputta
Migrant laborers were among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The region needs a long-term plan to support them.

‘Just a Maid’: Report Highlights Emotional Abuse of Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore

‘Just a Maid’: Report Highlights Emotional Abuse of Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore

By Sebastian Strangio
Workers, most of them from the Philippines, reported being subject to threats, intimidation, and invasion of privacy.

Why ASEAN’s ‘Travel Corridor’ Falls Short for the Region’s Migrant Workers

Why ASEAN’s ‘Travel Corridor’ Falls Short for the Region’s Migrant Workers

By Thong Sariputta
As the case of Cambodia shows, the bloc’s new framework agreement fails to address the factors driving undocumented migration in Southeast Asia.

Addressing Challenges Faced by Taiwan’s Migrant Workers

Addressing Challenges Faced by Taiwan’s Migrant Workers

By Huynh Tam Sang
The Taiwanese government has not paid sufficient consideration to migrant workers.
Uneven Refugee Protections Across Southeast Asia Put Migrants at Risk

Uneven Refugee Protections Across Southeast Asia Put Migrants at Risk

By Estey Chen
Only three of the region's nations have signed the relevant U.N. conventions on refugees and asylum seekers.

Rethinking Social Protection Programs: Cambodian Migrant Workers Deserve Better

Rethinking Social Protection Programs: Cambodian Migrant Workers Deserve Better

By Try Sophea
COVID-19 has imposed a particularly heavy burden on Southeast Asia's thousands of undocumented migrant workers.
Millions of Asian Migrant Children Live Life on the Margins

Millions of Asian Migrant Children Live Life on the Margins

By Olof Blomqvist and Daniela Reale
The millions of migrant children in Asia are among the planet’s most vulnerable people.

Malaysia Begins to Ease COVID-19 Lockdown Despite Lingering Concerns

Malaysia Begins to Ease COVID-19 Lockdown Despite Lingering Concerns

By Associated Press
Businesses are reopening for the first time since the lockdown began on March 18, but critics worry the move has come too soon.

Amid COVID-19 Crisis, Southeast Asia’s Migrant Workers Fall Through the Cracks

Amid COVID-19 Crisis, Southeast Asia’s Migrant Workers Fall Through the Cracks

By Jasmine Chia and Yong Poh Han
In Thailand and Singapore, a public health crisis is challenging the typical delineations of citizenship.

Capital Punishment, Human Rights, and Indonesia's Chance for the Moral High Ground

Capital Punishment, Human Rights, and Indonesia's Chance for the Moral High Ground

By Jack Britton
The execution of Indonesian migrant workers highlights the need for new protections, both abroad and at home.
Manila’s Parting Gift: ASEAN’s Next Steps on Labor Migration

Manila’s Parting Gift: ASEAN’s Next Steps on Labor Migration

By Tommy K.S. Koh
A small step forward on migrant labor rights in ASEAN.

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