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Why the ASEAN Economic Community Will Struggle

Why the ASEAN Economic Community Will Struggle

By Ji Xianbai
Serious weaknesses within ASEAN threaten the realization of the bloc’s regional project.
India and Vietnam Call for Freedom of Navigation in South China Sea

India and Vietnam Call for Freedom of Navigation in South China Sea

By Ankit Panda
The two countries also signed seven bilateral agreements during Indian President Pranab Mukherjee's trip to Vietnam.

Abe Trades Investment for Security Council Seat

Abe Trades Investment for Security Council Seat

By Clint Richards
Japan will use a return to the Council as another means to counter China’s regional assertiveness.

Will Indonesia Save the Six Party Talks?

By Ankit Panda
North Korea wants Indonesia to potentially advocate on its behalf on the world stage.

Is ASEAN the Right Forum for South China Sea Disputes?

Is ASEAN the Right Forum for South China Sea Disputes?

By Ankit Panda and Zachary Keck
U.S. editors Ankit Panda and Zachary Keck discuss the outcomes of the 2014 ASEAN Regional Forum.
Myanmar, ASEAN, and the China Challenge

Myanmar, ASEAN, and the China Challenge

By Shannon Tiezzi
As this year's ASEAN Chair, Myanmar will face pressure from the pro- and anti-China camps.

Hillary Clinton’s China Policy

By Amitai Etzioni
In her new book the potential 2016 presidential candidate talks about her approach to China.
Why North Korea Is Courting ASEAN

Why North Korea Is Courting ASEAN

By Zachary Keck
North Korea has surprisingly robust relationships with a number of Southeast Asian nations.

China-Philippines Duel Over a South China Sea Code of Conduct

China-Philippines Duel Over a South China Sea Code of Conduct

By Clint Richards
Both countries are developing their South China Sea strategies, neither of which has much to do with ASEAN.

The Benefits of a Sluggish Pivot to Asia

The Benefits of a Sluggish Pivot to Asia

By Ankit Panda
Sure, the U.S. pivot to Asia is slower than expected, but that's a good thing.

New ASEAN Anti-Cyber Skills Aimed at China

New ASEAN Anti-Cyber Skills Aimed at China

By Clint Richards
Japan and the U.S. are using ASEAN to further crack down on Chinese cybercrimes.
Imperatives Trump Shangri-La Rhetoric

Imperatives Trump Shangri-La Rhetoric

By Clint Richards
As regional tension dissipates, the strategic imperatives of the Shangri-La Dialogue countries reemerge.

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