Ashton Carter

Amid Tensions, US, China Assert South China Sea Positions
By Ankit Panda
Speaking on Saturday, Xi Jinping and Ashton Carter laid out their respective positions on the South China Sea.

Ashton Carter’s Pacific Tour Highlights An Enduring US Pivot to Asia
By Benjamin David Baker
The U.S. Secretary of Defense’s ongoing tour in the Pacific demonstrates that the “Pivot to Asia” is still important.

Further Militarizing the South China Sea May Undermine Freedom of Navigation
By Doug Bandow and Eric Gomez
U.S. plans to conduct freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea will further destabilize the region.

Star Wars: The US Gets Ready to Battle China and Russia in Space
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The American military will set up a new command center to better coordinate responses to attacks in space.

The Evolution of the U.S-South Korea Alliance
By Leon Whyte
“For the alliance to continue into the future, it must expand beyond old parameters.”

Pentagon Asks China to Stop Island Building in South China Sea (Again)
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. Defense Secretary met the vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission to discuss mil-mil relations.

The Future of Net Assessment at the Pentagon
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Yoda has left the building: What does the U.S. Secretary of Defense want the Pentagon's internal think tank to focus on?

An India-US Tussle Over Technology Transfer
By Seema Sirohi
The U.S. and India need to work out important details on technology transfer before they can fully cooperate on defense.

Vietnam and India-US Cooperation
By Sylvia Mishra and Pushan Das
Stronger U.S. ties with Vietnam nicely complement India’s Act East policy and its own strategic outreach to Vietnam.

India, Japan and the Geopolitics of Asian Security
By Ankit Panda
Ankit Panda and Jeff Smith discuss India-Japan relations and the geopolitics of Asian security.

US, India Look to 'Open up' Defense Relationship
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. Defense Secretary is visiting India hoping to forge closer strategic ties between New Delhi and Washington.

China's Cookie-Cutter Shangri-La Speech
By Shannon Tiezzi
The Chinese representative's speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue is exactly what we expected.