
Asia economic growth

World Bank: Debt, Trade Barriers and Uncertainty Will Drag on Asian Economies in 2024

World Bank: Debt, Trade Barriers and Uncertainty Will Drag on Asian Economies in 2024

By Elaine Kurtenbach
A new World Bank report says Asian economies are not doing as well as they could be.

Asia’s Development Model Is Now Jeopardizing Its Future Economic Growth

Asia’s Development Model Is Now Jeopardizing Its Future Economic Growth

By Saul Estrin and Simon Commander
Asia is facing an economic watershed moment. Turning the corner will require rethinking the role of its dominant, state-supported business groups.
When Asian Economies Rebuild After COVID-19, They Should Choose a New Path

When Asian Economies Rebuild After COVID-19, They Should Choose a New Path

By Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana
The Asia-Pacific response to the coronavirus crisis must build a resilient and sustainable future.

Coronavirus: The Threat to the Global Economy

Coronavirus: The Threat to the Global Economy

By Anthony Fensom
From border closures to factory shutdowns, the epidemic threatens a heavy economic cost.

RCEP’s Economic Impact in Asia

RCEP’s Economic Impact in Asia

By Xianbai Ji
RCEP, along with the CPTPP, will help drive deep integration in Asia. Holdouts like India will suffer the most.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Asia Slowdown: Are the Good Times Gone for Good?

Asia Slowdown: Are the Good Times Gone for Good?

By Anthony Fensom
Emerging Asia has seen remarkably stable growth since the global financial crisis. Is that trend now coming to an end?

Schisms on Display as the G20 Summit Convenes

Schisms on Display as the G20 Summit Convenes

By Elaine Kurtenbach and Foster Klug
G-20 leaders clash over values amid calls to protect economic growth.
Green Shoots Sighted for Asia’s Economies

Green Shoots Sighted for Asia’s Economies

By Anthony Fensom
Growth projections remain cautious, but there are promising signs Asia may be snapping out of its slowdown.

2019: Dog Year For Asian Economies?

2019: Dog Year For Asian Economies?

By Anthony Fensom
Trade frictions and a China slowdown could bring down growth for the rest of Asia.

Global Strategic Trends: Imagining East Asia in 2050

Global Strategic Trends: Imagining East Asia in 2050

By Li Jie Sheng
A new report from the U.K. predicts trends and flashpoints that will shape East Asia over the next 30-plus years.

Keeping Asia on Top of Global Growth

Keeping Asia on Top of Global Growth

By Anthony Fensom
The latest projections shave a bit off of expected Asian growth.
Good Economic Times Are Over, Warns OECD

Good Economic Times Are Over, Warns OECD

By Anthony Fensom
Amid trade tensions and global risks, warning bells are ringing over Asia’s growth forecast.

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