Asia Pivot

Hagel's Out -- What About the Pivot to Asia?
By Ankit Panda
Chuck Hagel, despite his flaws, was an asset for the administration's 'pivot' to Asia.

America's 'Military First' Asia Pivot
By Zachary Keck
The Pentagon and U.S. military continue to dominate the so-called pivot to Asia.

The Benefits of a Sluggish Pivot to Asia
By Ankit Panda
Sure, the U.S. pivot to Asia is slower than expected, but that's a good thing.

Would You Like an F-35 With Your Aegis?
By Zachary Keck
It’s no coincidence that the Asian nations with Aegis combat systems are also the ones buying the F-35.

5 Ways Europe Can Help the US Pivot
By James R. Holmes
Crimea has woken Europe up to geopolitics. Here's how it can help the U.S. pivot to Asia.

Near Collision Shows Changing East China Sea Security Environment
By Clint Richards
A near mid-air collision, and Obama’s new limited foreign policy, test Japanese defense policies.

Obama’s Asia Trip: In Videos
By Zachary Keck
Watch President Obama's recent trip to Asia with stops in Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines.

The Midterm Elections and the Asia Pivot
By Zachary Keck
The Republican Party taking the Senate in the 2014 elections could be a boon for the Asia Pivot.

The Relevance of the South Korea-US Alliance
By John Power
Given South Korea’s economic transformation, how important is the presence of U.S. troops today?

Obama’s Approval Rating Rises in Asia
By Zachary Keck
Obama’s approval ratings in Asia rose 8 percent last year, even as they declined among those most concerned about China.

US Swears Asia Pivot Isn't Dead
By Zachary Keck
Ahead of his fourth trip to the region, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says the US remains committed to the rebalance.

America and China’s Perception Problems
By Harry Kazianis
Around the world China is increasingly seen as the bully while the U.S. seems more and more irresolute.