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Democratic Ideas and Reality at 100: The Heartland of Asia

Democratic Ideas and Reality at 100: The Heartland of Asia

By Francis P. Sempa
As the 100th anniversary of Sir Halford Mackinder’s pivotal work approaches, a look at how it remains as prescient as ever.
Crazy Rich Asians: A Clash of East and West?

Crazy Rich Asians: A Clash of East and West?

By Antonina Luszczykiewicz and Krzysztof Iwanek
The East may not become the West, but it can surely buy it out.

Can Asia and Europe Make America’s Alliances Great Again?

Can Asia and Europe Make America’s Alliances Great Again?

By Tongfi Kim
What can U.S. allies in Asia and Europe do to cope with the risk President Trump presents?

Helsinki: How to Create a European Hub for Asia

Helsinki: How to Create a European Hub for Asia

By Krzysztof Iwanek
A relatively small airport in northern Europe became an unexpected beneficiary of growing Asia-Europe connectivity.

12 Asian Geopolitical Trends and Events From 2016 That'll Matter in 2017

12 Asian Geopolitical Trends and Events From 2016 That'll Matter in 2017

By Ankit Panda
Here's wishing the Asia-Pacific a happy and prosperous new year. Watch these issues in the coming year.
India Wants to Get a Drone Deal in With the US Before the Election

India Wants to Get a Drone Deal in With the US Before the Election

By Ankit Panda
New Delhi wants to seal the deal on Predator drones before Obama leaves office.

The Big Nuking of 1959: How the US Would Have Nuked East Asia

The Big Nuking of 1959: How the US Would Have Nuked East Asia

By Robert Farley
A recently declassified nuclear target list shows how the U.S. planned to use its nuclear weapons in the late-1950s.
Which US Presidential Candidate Is Best Equipped for Asia Policy?

Which US Presidential Candidate Is Best Equipped for Asia Policy?

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Which U.S. presidential candidate is best-equipped to handle the future of the Pivot to Asia?

How Do Asia-Pacific Countries See Each Other?

How Do Asia-Pacific Countries See Each Other?

By Ankit Panda
When it comes to leadership, Asian states are less optimistic.

Kissinger Is Right: 'Asia' Is a Western Construct

Kissinger Is Right: 'Asia' Is a Western Construct

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
What we understand to be 'Asia' is an oversimplification of a diverse region with several civilizations and cultures.

Obama’s Approval Rating Rises in Asia

Obama’s Approval Rating Rises in Asia

By Zachary Keck
Obama’s approval ratings in Asia rose 8 percent last year, even as they declined among those most concerned about China.
Can the US Afford the Asia Pivot?

Can the US Afford the Asia Pivot?

By Zachary Keck
A senior U.S. defense official says the Asia pivot “can’t happen” if budget cuts continue.

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