
Australia-China relations

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Is It Safe for Australians to Travel to China?

Is It Safe for Australians to Travel to China?

By Grant Wyeth
This week, Canberra issued a travel warning that Australians could face “arbitrary detention” in China.
Indo-Pacific in Focus as Australia Substantially Lifts Military Spending

Indo-Pacific in Focus as Australia Substantially Lifts Military Spending

By Luke Hunt
Chinese bullying crystalizes opposition, divides ASEAN.

Australian Lawmaker Investigated in China Influence Probe

Australian Lawmaker Investigated in China Influence Probe

By Associated Press
Police and intelligence officers searched the Sydney home of New South Wales state lawmaker Shaoquett Moselmane.

Australia Aims to Combat Disinformation

Australia Aims to Combat Disinformation

By Grant Wyeth
A new taskforce underlines Canberra’s efforts to push back again Chinese disinformation, in particular.

What Changes in Hong Kong Could Mean for Australia

What Changes in Hong Kong Could Mean for Australia

By Grant Wyeth
Countries like Australia need to prepare themselves for the consequences of the shifting reality in Hong Kong.
US Weighs in on Australia’s BRI Controversy Amid State and Federal Divide

US Weighs in on Australia’s BRI Controversy Amid State and Federal Divide

By Joshua Mcdonald
U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo inserted himself into an ongoing dispute between the Australian federal government and the state of Victoria over China’s BRI.

Can Australia Flatten the Curve of Its Economic Dependence on China?

Can Australia Flatten the Curve of Its Economic Dependence on China?

By Lai-Ha Chan
While Australia has successfully flattened the coronavirus curve, can it flatten the curve of its economic dependence on China too? 
China Reportedly Eying Pacific’s Largest Mobile Carrier

China Reportedly Eying Pacific’s Largest Mobile Carrier

By Grant Wyeth
The Australian government would likely be very wary of such a development, should it occur. 

Amid COVID–19, India’s Modi and Australia’s Morrison Plan Virtual Prime Ministerial Summit

Amid COVID–19, India’s Modi and Australia’s Morrison Plan Virtual Prime Ministerial Summit

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The Indian and Australian leaders are expected to “meet” virtually soon. There’s no shortage of important topics to cover, especially related to China.

China Advances Case Against Australian Academic Yang Hengjun

China Advances Case Against Australian Academic Yang Hengjun

By Grant Wyeth
Beijing accuses Yang of espionage; Australia says he wasn’t a spy.

China, Australia and a Compliant New Normal?

China, Australia and a Compliant New Normal?

By Grant Wyeth
Direct external coercion isn't necessary if concern for Beijing’s sensitivities and compliance become the new normal.
Is Australian Media Biased Against China?

Is Australian Media Biased Against China?

By Dan Hu
Increasingly fierce competition in Australia’s media sector contributes to sensationalist reporting on China.

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