Australia economic growth

Will the Future Be Made in Australia?
By Grant Wyeth
The Australian government has a keen motivation to incentivize the emergence of new industries that will protect its standards of living and advance its strategic position.

The Common (and Overlooked) Underpinnings of Australia’s Economy
By Conor McLaughlin
Much of the discussion about diversification is centered on two overarching premises: China and trade. What does that approach miss?

Can Australia Flatten the Curve of Its Economic Dependence on China?
By Lai-Ha Chan
While Australia has successfully flattened the coronavirus curve, can it flatten the curve of its economic dependence on China too?

Asia’s Elections: Market Moving or More of the Same?
By Anthony Fensom
Predicting the economic impact of polls in Thailand, Indonesia, India, Australia, and more.

Can Australia’s Economic Luck Hold?
By Anthony Fensom
After 26 years of growth, external shocks could knock the Lucky Country back into recession.

Australia's New Budget Hopes for a Continued Lucky Streak
By Anthony Fensom
The Coalition government's latest budget depends on some overly optimistic economic forecasts to cut the deficit.
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