
Australia election 2022

The Real Power of Preferential Voting in Australia

The Real Power of Preferential Voting in Australia

By Grant Wyeth
Preferential voting has been harnessed effectively to create a change that invested actors – in major political parties and the media – find disconcerting.

Australian Voters Demand Change, Oust Morrison’s Coalition Government

Australian Voters Demand Change, Oust Morrison’s Coalition Government

By Patricia O’Brien
Out of the wreckage of Morrison’s Liberal rule comes a new political era for Australia.
Macho Election Tactics Miss the Point in Australia

Macho Election Tactics Miss the Point in Australia

By Grant Wyeth
Politicians will no doubt continue to wrap themselves in high-vis vests, but come election day it is women who will make themselves seen.

Australia’s Monroe Doctrine in the Age of the China-Solomon Islands Security Deal

Australia’s Monroe Doctrine in the Age of the China-Solomon Islands Security Deal

By Patricia O’Brien
Old anxieties about Australia’s vulnerabilities remain relatively unchanged, but the new geopolitical order is fundamentally different. 

This Is Australia’s Climate Change Election

This Is Australia’s Climate Change Election

By Patricia O’Brien
It is not just the Pacific region angered by Prime Minister Morrison’s unchanged coal-loving stance. Next month, he will have to answer to the Australian electorate on this critical issue.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Australia-China Relations Again in Focus Ahead of Australian Election

Australia-China Relations Again in Focus Ahead of Australian Election

By Joshua Mcdonald
Using national security to win over voters is not an uncommon strategy, but Scott Morrison is banging the national security drum more furiously than ever as he slumps in the polls. 

Australia’s Independents: The Women Aiming to Shake Up Parliament

Australia’s Independents: The Women Aiming to Shake Up Parliament

By Joshua Mcdonald
At least 13 independent female candidates have launched campaigns on similar platforms focused on climate change, corruption, and women’s rights.
Australia’s Independent Candidates Aim to Tap Into Voter Unease

Australia’s Independent Candidates Aim to Tap Into Voter Unease

By Grant Wyeth
With an election to be held by May 2022, the pre-election period in Australia is seeing a surge of maneuvering among independents gunning for Liberal seats.

Australia’s New Electric Vehicle Policy or Morrison’s Biggest Backflip?

Australia’s New Electric Vehicle Policy or Morrison’s Biggest Backflip?

By Joshua Mcdonald
Some accused the Australian prime minister of lying as his 2022 campaign unofficially kicked off with a massive backflip on electric vehicle policies.

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