Australia in the Pacific

With New Agreements, Australia Confirms Its Pacific Ties
By Grant Wyeth
A treaty, a security agreement, and a new rugby team are significant wins for Australia in its quest to remain the dominant influence in the Pacific region.

The Nauru-Australia Security Treaty: Win-Win or Trouble Ahead?
By Joanne Wallis and Jack Corbett
At first glance, Australia’s new treaty with Nauru seems to be benefit both sides. But questions remain.

Australia Needs to Step up Its Climate Advocacy at the UN Summit of the Future
By Will Devine
The Pacific needs Australia to do more on climate change, and the upcoming summit in New York might be Canberra’s next best opportunity.

Solomon Islands’ New Government: A Chance to Reset Australia’s Pacific Diplomacy
By Corey Lee Bell
The island nation is far from alone in adopting a “look north” policy. It's time for Canberra to take a long, hard look at why.

Pacific Responses to AUKUS a Mix of Unease and Understanding
By Dechlan Brennan
The region's worries range from fears of nuclear proliferation to the opportunity cost in terms of climate change, but there is also an understanding of the pact's security rationale.

The Politics of Apology in the Pacific
By Patricia O’Brien
Besides being the right thing to do, apologies bring diplomatic and political gains in a region haunted by colonial and imperial atrocities.

Australia Is Finalizing a New Security Pact With Papua New Guinea
By Nick Perry
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he expected negotiations to conclude in April and the treaty to be signed in June.

Australia Inks New Security Deal With Vanuatu
By Associated Press
The new pact comes amid a ramped up competition with China in the Pacific, following Beijing's own security deal with Solomon Islands.

What Do the Pacific Island Countries Think About China?
Henry Ivarature, Lice Movono, and Patricia O’Brien discuss the hopes and concerns Pacific Island governments – and people – have about China.

China’s Pacific Push Is Already Remaking the Region
By Patricia O’Brien
After a whirlwind of visits and agreements, where does the Pacific region stand?

Australia, the Lucky Country, Could Be More Generous
By Joshua Mcdonald
The recent Australian budget leaves little breathing room for Pacific Island nations.

How the Pacific Islands Forum Fell Apart
By Cleo Paskal
The decision by Micronesian countries to leave the PIF will have major strategic implications.
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